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Everything posted by _Wilson_™

  1. This thread is dedicated to those hard to find old school accessories, post pics of your part, and brand, and as much information as you can. This is the rare hondaline engine block heater ... all the information i have is.... Macarena man had one .... That was factory installed, a TRUE honda tressure, credit for the picture goes to MM. Other accessories include , front, and rear bumpers, and the hondaline speedo meter kit The gun could be honda.
  2. I've Been thinking ... I might just take the o39 and down this one. (300 + year old tree) if it goes down (due to weather) it will effectively take out most of my neighbors power, plus mine, (not happening) as you can see it towers WAY over the power lines, and..... the tree trimming service want this one to stay, told me its one of the last massive trees left in Maury county, but this is MY land! MY call! Opinions ?? Edit: i forgot the other pic shows a tad bit of the bottom size about 7 feet!
  3. Welcome shade, glad your here...
  4. Welcome Melatv! Glad you joined us!
  5. Tell your story here, what type burner you have, show. Us your wood harvesting tools, chainsaws, wood spiltters, wood storage, hand tools, hauling method... Anything for wood burners ! Enjoy! Here's my small collection 🙂
  6. _Wilson_™


    From the album: Wilson's corner

  7. Welcome riverc glad ya made it!
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