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Politics, religion, memes are a no-go here

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Some of the guys who have been around for awhile will remember the discussions we had when this board was started, in regards to politics/religion.   At the time some members though it was a bad idea, but some thought it should be allowed as "free speech"    Those arguing to allow such ultimately won out, so we've had free reign to do so for quite awhile now.


As some predicted, it ultimately has caused problems.  We've had some long time members who contributed greatly who left the board, and we've had some infighting amongst those who have remain.   In short, it is proving to be eating away at the board, a little at a time.   


We started this board after vertical scope ruined the old board.   We have a group of guys here who like to work on ATV's, and who like to help others work on ATV's.   I see them as puzzles to be solved, and I enjoy working through the problems, and I also could not have done MOST of the projects I've fixed without help from the guys on this board.  THAT is why this board is here.   Discussing politics and religion, and having memes posted everywhere has detracted from the primary reason for this forum's existence. 


If this board is going to continue to survive, things have to change.  We can't be fighting amongst ourselves.


That said, I like a meme or two, and sometimes I'm in the mood to argue politics and/or religion.   There's a great place for that here.   It's free.




Huge forum, much bigger than this one likely will ever be, but it's somewhere I frequent that allows the shenanigans. 


They can afford to have members at odds with each other.  Here, we can't.  We're too small, too closely knit, and it's tearing this place apart. 


I ask for your understanding, that we all can tell @shadetree that he was right when he says "I TOLD YOU SO!" and that we can go back to fixing ATV's here.

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Yeah, you're right and I'm as guilty as the next guy.  [Holds head low in shame]. I promise to behave.

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We’ve all argued on here, and it’s boiled over to PM’s, so something had to give. 

It’s bothered me for awhile that some of our regulars who were in the minority politically on here haven’t been around.  Perhaps they’ll give the place another chance. 

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I TOLD YOU SO !..ROFL..wayyy to funny jeep !. really though, that's not the words i wanted to be posting, i'd rather be saying..dang..we have grown so large through the years, helping folks that are broke , and could not afford to take their atv to a repair shop. let alone .most atv's older than 10 yrs old ?..THEY WON'T TOUCH !. sooo..in steps all of us..the guys that has a passion in wrenching. this is my back bone for the past 30 something years. i will stay here as long as i can, or i am kicked to the pasture..which ever one comes first ?..lol.

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20 hours ago, Bighanded said:

as always Jeep....you have my appreciation and support in your policies.  thanks!




Not just me.  I'm just the spokesperson.  I have admittedly waffled quite a bit on the politics/no politics argument every time it's come up. 


But again, something has to give, or we're going to slowly die on the vine as people get mad and leave.   I hope we don't lose any with this change.  I hope that folks can go elsewhere to discuss such (which is what I do) and still contribute and help those who come here looking for it when fixing their Hondas.

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On 11/6/2023 at 5:32 PM, shadetree said:

I TOLD YOU SO !..ROFL..wayyy to funny jeep !. really though, that's not the words i wanted to be posting, i'd rather be saying..dang..we have grown so large through the years, helping folks that are broke , and could not afford to take their atv to a repair shop. let alone .most atv's older than 10 yrs old ?..THEY WON'T TOUCH !. sooo..in steps all of us..the guys that has a passion in wrenching. this is my back bone for the past 30 something years. i will stay here as long as i can, or i am kicked to the pasture..which ever one comes first ?..lol.

only two "authentic" ATV shops in my area (ie not fancy retail with warranty repair)  

Both of those shops stay backed up on work and it's a hard thing for owners of antiques like mine to roll in and find out that a repair is going to cost more than the bikes bring in marketplace.  It's one of the reasons I treat my older machines with a bit of love.  I hope they will stay with me a couple more years until I really am too old myself.

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Thanks Jeep for your humility concerning this subject. Thanks Wilson for the personal message to say hi. I'm back for the first time in many months.....many months. I enjoyed this forum for the most part but left several years ago (with just a few visits per year) because of the politics and religion. This is the first post I viewed and to my pleasure discovered this new opinion concerning volatile issues. I am a strong conservative Christian man that has learned to be very careful.....I have very strong opinions like everybody else but realized that Truth in Love trumps all else. I'm back for a while to see how it goes. You "old timers" may remember that I'm not a huge four wheeler enthusiast yet I own two and that my real passion is dirt bikes. I do enjoy listening to conversations about certain problems and even contributing if I have some insight. This feels good and it's good to be back.

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that political stuff was supposed to remain on one thread, but like poison ive does, it spread. Oh! Well! welcome back Mister Clean..

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On 3/27/2024 at 10:38 AM, Misterclean said:

Thanks Wilson for the personal message to say hi. I'm back for the first time in many months.....



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