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Posts posted by Melatv

  1. Hi: From what I see in the FSM the rear speed sensor has a bl/O -- G/Y -- P/G at the sensor connector --- You should read near 12 vdc between the Bl/O (+) and P/G (-) also check it to ground.

    The front speed sensor has a Bl/O -- G/Y -- P/W at the sensor connector -- You should read near 12 vdc between the Bl/O (+) and P/W (-) also check it to ground.

  2. That is very good news for both of us -- yes the pins a only held with a very small clip -- so over time they will move back a bit from removing the connectors -- Where to you live

    When using Dielectric grease only put it around the edge of the connector where it goes against the seal -- that grease is non-conductive -- some of the pins only have 5 volt on them so keep it off the pins -- was a good workout with you -- 76 years old and still at it.

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