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Everything posted by _Wilson_™

  1. I haven't looked into this much.... But it sure got my attention.... Is this real or a gag site ? That 250 ford is one my faves from ford..... I'll be keeping up with this site... Next up the ford mustang... And YES! I saw the price.... Sigh... https://www.velocityrestorations.com/velocity-signature-ford-f250/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzPvHycCw_wIVDRGhCh0mxQfNEAEYASAAEgKgvvD_BwE
  2. Might add some apple cider viniger, and dawn.... But do not get it on the plants... If you add that to your mix... It also acts as a burn down for weeds, and grass.... Critters won't go anywhere close to that scent... Even some bothersome insects won't mess with it... You might also try and move in some garden spiders...they will stay all season, and there are not poisonous just look big and nasty.. And lady bugs will help with aphids .... For tobacco worms ? Best to pick those suckers off by hand.. Just make sure to smash them... The chemicals used for those .... You don't wont on your garden produce.
  3. _Wilson_™


    All they forecasted for us was overcast.... Can't say i heard anything about a layer of smoke ...... But if it's not actually wild fires.. Or hazardous weather... I'm not too alarmed... It's just smoke... Just hope whatever is causing it isn't bad or life threatening ....
  4. Thanks for the update.... So besides the small mistake... It's held up good ? That's just what i wanted to hear.... Got me thinking more and more about updating when i can get this ever growing list thinned out...
  5. Jeep right off hand cmanningjr aka blue gloves.. But no one has seen him, last i heard was he's a tech of some sort at a medical facility in Cullman Alabama....that was years ago... He up and disappeared when the old forums went up in smoke..... Along with other great members....
  6. Interesting find jeep, disk brakes ?? Have you tried riding the back brake a tad just to see if that makes.... Drive line chatter due to slack might be whats going on.....or maybe try this to see if it's slack in the driveline .... When it you brake... Try adding some throttle to it at the same time to keep the driveline slack down little as possible ... If my idea seems kinda off, well ..... I got that -:;())$&@ gut bug going round (wish i knew where i was when i got tagged, cause someone would be getting an ear full, maybe even good couple hard licks with the Missouri white knuckle soup bone) dang thing is making me feel hazy.... Even kinda drunk.......anyways your post on that noise has my attention....
  7. Loading up that plate .... With forks eh ? Lol ...... Sigh... Got a plate full here too.... I'm not one for loosing things, so today misplaced my keys ... Located them just a few ago now supper...anyways not to derail ... So I'm off to grill!
  8. Haha! Jeep beat me to it, i thought about saying something last night, but figured nah jut grab the popcorn..... Rofl!
  9. Hm...... I'm going to put some Serous thought about this setup.... So far i really like it. Especially knowing the oil temp! Oil pressure comes to mind as well (hint hint !! )
  10. Thanks! Bet the sodium level is high, but or a new taste twist on spicy foods ? Ya I'm game! Least gotta try both once.
  11. _Wilson_™


    Ha! Try riding barefoot ..... Not long rides just moving the 300 gave me a new respect for those sharp pointed foot peg edges.... Besides maybe walking on red hot coals and shards of glass.... Can't add much but hm..... Stepping in a fireant mound ?! Nope... Not going to even think about that... It was bad enough battling them a few winters back when they had a hive under the dragon... Being warm, they stayed active all winter, especially around the loading door, and also ash door....
  12. I think your right just located this http://www.pctinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/9030-UNI-SEAL-Instruction-Manual_20140512.pdf
  13. Yeah i recall that gizmo..... So now it's automatic ? Cycles off and on... According to what the engine / oil temp is ? I liked that idea very shortly after @retron @Goober got to talking bout it... Pardon me if i left anyone out...... I still want to do a deal like that but i still haven't made up my mind whether I'll add an lol cooler... I like the idea, but time appointments etc etc.... Will delay me...i haven't been as active here over the last few days and that's just from the everyday forks n spoons on that old plate...... On a note looks like the weather is turning yet again.... Even NASCAR has been rain delayed.
  14. Aligator drool, And two step ?! Well now that's a first for me ... I'd be willing to give it a try.... Love that spicy food.... NOTED antacid 👍👌
  15. Me nether... Never even seen a set in person, knuckle buster comes to mind, heck i can't even think of. Any wrenching I've done that would require a set....... Extre long, ya, compound ? Nope, most likely a tool very seldom used...
  16. Uh huh yes indeed! ^^^^ don't forget the cilantro.....
  17. ?? Not too sure on these two.... But i think not, and I'm a big believer in the vise grip brand. Visecrest ? Hm...... Sounds like a ED med...... Rofl!
  18. You just reminded me to ask this question ... (Meant to ask this years ago) ...... Do You have the fan pulling air though it ? Or blowing out the front ? I was always curious as to how much heat (if any) comes right back at you if it's pulling air in from the front n exhausting out the back.... I might be wrong but the higher relocation idea came from keeping it above the mud water muck ... Etc ...
  19. Fish are you talking about the farm disaster program money ? It's allocated to farms that have seen bad dry years low crop production due to flooding, or drought type weather, even the loss of live stock due to deseases .... Predatory effects etc etc.. That mighty nice of them to keep trying to stamp out those people here in the United States who have earned the right for said funds, but along with those who actually love that heritage ..... What they should think about is the very people fishermen farmers etc etc helped to make this country string, looks like they would back those people and not help those out there that wish to see the United States become weak, you always go with those you can depend on, Nd we don't need to depend on other countries for our own survivle. That fact will ways be seen as weak.... And might give them an idea when to attack us straight up..... That's the frightening part..... We haven't yet got to the razors edge, but it's within sight, if you were to ask me...
  20. Oh yeah..... They made them I'm just messing with yeah, here's a little known fact.... The 466 CID international engine .... Is one good engine... Many pro pulling tractors use that block because the lower end ( main bearing caps.. And bottom end are very well designed and very heavy / beefed up.... I couldn't say right off hand at how tigh they run those rpms.. Buts it's up there.... Now they are very modified.... Fuel delivery , intake design, exhauset design etc etc.... But... What really works to the advantage is the heart (block itself) I've run a few, what i found out is the short wheel base... Is alot of what gave those tracters a somewhat bad name.... Long wheel base does indeed make a defrence even in slow cumbersome farm equiptment..... It's basically balancing weight though out the machine.... With a short wheelbase weight distribution .... Is more centered, then when wheel weights and fliud in the tires play a role.... For example.... Most pulling tracters (2wd) are long wheelbase machines .... And yes that sign you have ? Probably worth a good bit ....keep it!
  21. Yeah...... I didn't think anyone would get it that quickly ...... Slight mod but here it is at work...figures you'd get it being you've done a bunch of home made builds / mods FISH got it! Going to have to pull out all the stops.... Next time.. Lol, okay who's next ?
  22. I'm sure some of y'all have made something like this...... The hint is ...lol! both the part you use this tool for AND the tool itself are pictured.
  23. Lol! Id like to see someone just try and pull it off.... You wouldn't have any luck less you farm like the Amish do..... Ever see how big some of those family's get ? That's the only way they can do it without killing themselves working.... John Kerry ? HA, just ask him of all that food he eats...... How its raised ? Because your adverange farmer can't do it without machines ..... Thats a fact....i don't care what he says... Nice to know spotted al bore isn't the only full blown idiot out there... Even better I'd like them to just try and force some of those rules.. You'll see this country starve... Farmers will not tolerate that BS.... And who do yall think the general public will follow... That man who produces real beef, or those stinking blood burgers they have now ? Let them ! in the wind cause thats all it amounts to... They have no power to do what they claim needs to be done... Something they don't realize .... If there are very few real men left in this country and we will not stand for that BS ... Best he can do is keep his de nutted ! on the porch n masseuse melester spotted al bore what a joke... I nominate them as two new top transgender fools.
  24. Thats one of those farmers daughters they DIDNT warn you about.....Bet she could crush Brazil nuts with those thighs ......that's a healthy leg!
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