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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2021 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Nov. 1st I go on Medicare. Here's what I'm finding out. A few months before turning 65 you'll get your Medicare card. In that envelope will be a form to fill out and send back in if you don't want part B. A is free, you have some money deducted from you SS or in my case Railroad Retirement check to pay for part B. You must get B to get any other supplement plan. Part D is drugs. There are three plans available to me ranging from $7-25 / month. Used to be plan F was the best supplement but isn't available anymore. F covered all deductibles and Uncle Sam didn't like that. Law says a plan you choose is going to be the same regardless of who you buy it from. Except cost. My advice is if you have a local insurance agent that isn't tied specifically to one company, go visit them. That's what I did for my home, cars and now healh insurance. Turns our if I use the same company for all three I get a good discount. My part G supplement plan costs me $110 a month. Like all plans I have to pay a deductible of around $200-something a year. Dr visits are 20 buck copay and ER costs 50. All the normal stuff is covered at 100%. 80% if in a foreign country. Watch out for Advantage plans. It sounds like to me they are a real bear to deal with and limit where you can go. Like HMO's do. I don't know how much my pension will be reduced but will find out Nov 1st and will report back. Way I understood I'm currently paying for Medicare tax just like you working guys and gals but that will stop when I have to pay for plan B. Again, go talk to a reputable insurance agent. Edit: My pension check gets reduced by $156/month.
  2. 3 points
    I like a Budweiser here and there. Bush has a lack of ..... anything ..... but I'd drink it if someone handed me a cold one.
  3. 2 points
    Was at a party last night, was 2 ATC250's there 😅
  4. 2 points
    vodka makes my older sister super angry.... so i agree it does effect people defrentlty, when i use to drink, no brand would that effect on me, i was layed back, even when i got my 1st (and only) DUI.... i had a great convo with the THP officer.... lol! but even after getting him in stitches.... nope i wents to jail anyways... but i deserved to.
  5. 2 points
    I get LE rounds (and prices) so I've been able to keep a certain amount of stock. The LE rounds haven't been AS jacked up as the rest, which is nice.
  6. 2 points
    Today I started full-on fight camp prep. It turns out the first actual Friday Night Fight camp, where everybody (that can be) is there, is this next Friday. I've been ramping my efforts up and today did a full individual workout. Typically if I'm doing a boxing workout on my own I'll fully warmup then do 100 wall-balls, if you know what those are. Those are to really make sure my body is warmed up and the knees are as greased as possible. After that I'll do my shadowboxing routine, which is always evolving. Next I'll do technical work on a heavybag. I'll end with 9 rounds of fight-mode using a certain intensity. I'll explain this below. To make sure I'm in shape for a fight, in addition to any sparring I fight the heavybags. We have several hanging and I'll assign something to each of them. When the bell rings (I use an app on my phone bluetoothed to some earphones) I go to the first bag and work my way in, feinting and feeling out the jab. The second bag I'll setup then do a 3-4 punch combo then get out. I'll do that a few times. The third bag I'll make sure I win the round by being active and making sure the judges see that I'm in charge. Ding, round is over. I'll repeat that 9 times. I do the above for 1 minute rounds to start, with medium intensity. As the weeks go on, I'll increase the time, and increase the intensity. My goal is to go full-out for 9 rounds of three minutes four weeks before the fight. If I can't do that, I've mis-timed my efforts and probably messed up my recovery (from workouts) efforts. If I CAN do that, I'm on track and go even harder. After my 9 rounds, I do just a bit of jump rope. I have to be careful with that because of my knees. I have to have enough energy to focus and land with great form on the mats, so I won't be too harsh on the old-man joints.
  7. 2 points
    Yes I still get whacked on the head with regularity. My last regular fight will be this November. I may still do a yearly one after that, but on the normal (pre-Covid) "every three months" pace I won't do anymore.
  8. 2 points
    Hi Ast M: Try testing the rectifier this way. Here is something I made up for testing the rectifier. If anyone want to add to this do so.
  9. 2 points
    Amazing that so many houses are just gone, but others appear to have suffered little damage. Crazy.
  10. 1 point
    On the 4th of September, Deer Archery period opened in Kentucky, where I hunt. I've been doing visits here and there to get my stand ready, feeders stocked, trail camp checked, cabin organized, etc. Leading up to deer season I get burned up to be there. I don't normally go for archery opener as it's still too warm and the deer aren't moving. I have a SAR course to teach that I stupidly committed to so I won't be going this coming weekend. However, the following weekend .... ah yes that weekend .... I'll be heading to deer camp late Friday night and in a stand early Saturday morning. I won't take any deer unless a monster buck cruised by (it won't) but I'll be making sure the small details are taken care of, I'll get in a good tree stand nap or two, and I'll be watching the deer. I'd like to say I'm watching their patterns and that helps, but in the rut all bets are off and deer are just influenced by patterns. Travel paths are still there, but additional paths are used if bucks are chasing or does are running. I'll go a few times in October (muzzleloader opens then) but rifle opens the 13th of November, where everybody will be there and much hunting will occur. I won't take any bucks unless a trophy walks by but I'll take two does and debone them onsite and let them age in the cooler for a week. How about yourself? What going on hunting-wise for you?
  11. 1 point
    A few corrections and additions. 2021 Part B deductible is $203. Plan G covers the Part A deductible which is over $1,400. No need to worry about in network or out of network. If the provider accepts Medicare, they accept your medigap insurance. Plain and simple. I worked since I was 16 so it's about time to get a chance to suck the teet a while.
  12. 1 point
    lol! could be.... you know what they say about positive thinking.....the mind is a wonderful thing.
  13. 1 point
    For whatever reason if they work, they work. What if it's part mental? That's ok, as long as it works.
  14. 1 point
    i too am not sure, but when i purchased mine ... that was all the rave back then... copper this, copper that, maybe it was the compression of the gloves ? I've have to do more research on it... but i do have a nice set of gloves. so not too bad...and they do work whether it's the copper, or the compression..... I'd now think the compression.
  15. 1 point
    i think in old sister part is she wants to be angry to a certain point dealing with stage three cancer... i have tried to talk out of drinking, but i never get anywhere with her, besides, she's going to doesnt matter what anyone says, i have to respect her need to be numb, and not have to think about having cancer (lesser of the two evils) am i right ? no maybe not, but i have not walked in her shoes, so best i can do is think what it would be like. just a sad situation all around.
  16. 1 point
    Welcome to the forum! I can get you taken care of, its a bummer that LCD is cracked as that is kind of the hard part to source I am out of glass at this time (again) but will look around to see what I can find I sent you a message with my contact information as well
  17. 1 point
    I also remember. That's in the past, but like you, I remember experiences. I don't dwell on them and allow them to be put away, but obviously they are still there.
  18. 1 point
    I don't ENJOY getting angry, but sometimes I still do, of course. I'm not immune to it. And I appreciate you reaching out like you did. It was the trigger needed at that time to log back in.
  19. 1 point
    This is chat, and you aren't posting about one of the hot topics, so this forum is where I think things like this belong. Heck my "Compressing the Shocks" started out as a community workout and such thread, but it's evolved in just me staying what I'm doing. That could EASILY be taken as looking for attention, but I'm just interacting as I know people comment on it and have sent me PM's on it. It's chat, where we chat about things that come to mind.
  20. 1 point
    To go further ..... Three days a week I'll train with weights. I always focus on hamstrings and hips, as hamstrings are my weak point (as it is with most people). I'll not go any heavier than I currently can do and I'll actually drop back and do more reps. In a Strength & Conditioning approach, I maintain Strength and increase Conditioning. Below is typical on my S&C days. 5:30 am 20-30 minute warmup 10x10 compound lower body like a trap bar squat 3x10 isolation for hammies like a stiff-legged deadlift or a GHD I'll superset the hamstring isolation with warmups for upper body Push/Pull press/row like dumbell press and cable row Push/Pull press/row like incline dumbell press and chins (assisted) I don't do any direct bicep or tricep work I end with loaded carries of some sort I try to be done by 7 am. This makes me keep things brisk. I only have so much energy reserves and I will also come back that evening for boxing skill work, but light. On days I don't do S&C, I go harder on the boxing skills and movements.
  21. 1 point
    Speaking of squat technique, when I started to do Crossfit a number of years ago, I stepped into a box (gym) that was very strict on technique. Back then Crossfit experienced many injuries due to crappy form but luckily this box wasn't like that. Crossfit, since its inception, has grown up and evolved, and except for terrible coaches, focuses on strict form. Anyway, a good Crossfit movement is based on Oly (Olympic) movements. As they were re-teaching me how to squat, it really made sense. And not just squat with weight on your back, to just squat down, be it sitting on a chair or picking up a stump or whatever. Even now when I put my kayak overhead to load it on my Jeep I use a good clean and press technique. It makes people laugh in how different it appears, but I like protecting my back, etc. So back to the box. When I first started there they ran me (and all new people) through an evaluation and started to fix form. In time I was allowed to do things under load (weight) but even then if my form got wonky they would take the weight and give me a pvc pipe to use until my form improved. I liked that as it stressed how important form was. When you change your form, either you immediately drop in the weight you can handle or you suddenly increase in the weight you can handle. Which way you go depends on what part of your form is terrible and needs improvement. When our dads and coaches would yell "Lift with your legs!" they meant to not lift with crappy form and screw up your back. If our dads could have been taken aside and taught even better form, that generation of people could have been spared some of the back issues they got from having to work do ! hard with physical labor.
  22. 1 point
    Heavy ball, med ball, etc. In the CrossFit environment, which popularized the movement, they use a med ball, which is short for medicine ball. Why do they call it a medicine ball? See this link if you want to know. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicine_ball Wallballs are a tremendous exercise that encompasses many things, but a very important key is your form. Can't use old-school squat technique, as that puts tremendous pressure on the knee joints. Instead, use what evolved from the powerlifting squat which spreads the stress out and is more biomechanically correct. Again, thank Crossfit for pushing that into the general population. As for the knee wraps, I put those on during the drive to the gym and keep them on until I get home. They do provide a bit of stability but moreso I'm looking for them to keep the knees very warm, which keeps them lubricated. I know right away if I have not done enough to get them warmed up. If I feel pain I stop and warmup more and tell myself what an idiot I am. I warm up the lower body with a series of various lunges (using good form), leg swings (front/back, side/side with the toe forward), etc. Not only are my knees getting warmed up, my ankles, calves, hams/quads, hips and lower back are all involved. Between warmup sets I'll go over to our bar rig and do mobility on my shoulders, which gets my lats ready to go. I consider the 100 wallballs part of my warmup. When I get done with everything in this paragraph I'm ready for anything lower body related, to include my boxing workouts. When I first started to do wallballs as part of my warmup, it took away some energy from what came next. However, I felt they were so necessary to get my body fully ready to go that I just kept at them. First I did 10 sets of 10, which extended my warmup period beyond 30 minutes. I'm now up to 4 sets of 25 using a 9 lb ball. I'll stay at 4x25. A 9 lb ball isn't that heavy but warming up is my purpose. It takes a full 20-30 minutes to get really warmed up, depending on who I stop to talk to while I'm doing it. While I'm warming up I mentally prepare myself for what I'm getting ready to do.
  23. 1 point
    another thread or even a private group, would be a nice choice, but it doesn't make any defrence, because I'm not sure who would be able to view what i post, (management) and, i would need to invited members... here in open forums it's for all members to see unless my post are deleted, so for now ... i will just post here, unless @LedFTed says no more, his thread, his call, and I'll respect his choice.
  24. 1 point
    i had to go look that one up...... is that what the call the heavy ball ? thats a real extensive exercise you described up in your other post ^^^^ i take it you use those knee wraps all the time while doing the training etc etc ?
  25. 1 point
    It's been a long time since I've had Iron City. My dad used to get a case of it here and there.
  26. 1 point
    So you did! I'm old and forgetful. Carry on.
  27. 1 point
    thank you, i did start a thread about addiction to drugs, and alcohol.... but sence this thread Ted made actually hit very close to all of what is going on, and i know guys here, like a good cold one, or a stiff drink (which i have no problem with and used to enjoy myself) i deleted the post, and had the string deleted, but now i might just start one completely dedicated .... to abusing street drugs, and perscription opioids that alone will be the subject and i have no issue with anyone who uses prescription meds within reason, but to take them like candy... just to be completely wacked out of there mind and without any reason..... i just cant wrap my head around why some people choose this path, i reckon.... my thinking about drug abuse is because I've seen this type of behavior all my life, and have lost many friends, and a couple family members.... this concerns me because this is one of the worst problems we have in this country right now, and it effects us all.
  28. 1 point
    I don't know you aside from our interaction here on this forum, but it wasn't any mystery on why you have taken her in and are posting your frustrating situation here. I didn't think twice about it as it was crystal clear. I encourage you to keep posting here, but maybe in a thread you start yourself. If someone doesn't want to read about it, then they have the option to stay out of that thread.
  29. 1 point
    it is, and no one else here where i live (family or friends) wants hear from or about her, or even lift one finger to try and help, but who has stepped up me...... but by all means that doesn't count for anything i reckon ?? many have asked me why am I doing this, well... any number of reasons, but i can't fix what she's done to herself, the miss trust she has earned. goes back the old saying you have to lay in the bed you make for yourself.
  30. 1 point
    I think it's more that it's a release of frustration in an environment that has people Wilson trusts and cares for. If you have nowhere else to talk about it and get it out, a forum of people you "know" is a "good-enough" place. That's the way I see it.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    I got my hands on a PDF one. Who owns that Google drive so I can share it to them?
  33. 1 point
    jeep helped me with this.... if you wish to be listed on the members map >> https://atvhonda.com/membermap/markers/group/1-members/?sortby=marker_reviews&sortby=marker_added&sortdirection=desc members markers / map << but not on each of your post go to your profile (pic1) then click edit profile (pic 2) then leave the location box blank, or customize your location<< (pic 3 4).... mine is sweetwater Tn.... right now, this edit will not change you members marker map location.
  34. 1 point
    well you have the right to your opinion.... and when did i ask for sympathy ?? never... heartless ? nope, like i said she's living in my home, when no one else would take her in, not even my sisters or there kids, and not her husband.... but i did, so again I'm not going to debate you on these abusive attacks, when you do not know the history of her abusive actions which include, drugging my father twice, my older sister once (far as i know) and myself once, plus stealing her mothers lortabs while her mother was on her death bed, believe what ever you wish..... try as much as you can, but you will not get a rise out of me, because i know the facts, and your just guessing, if you'd like more proof ? I'll give there phone numbers and you can find out for yourself.
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    nailed this one a fews years ago.... so far i havent seen one dilla sence.... not even one the road hit by a vehicle, and that is VERY strange....I've not even heard any of my farm friends say they have seen any... i don't know where they moved off to, just glad there gone, and the fire ant population is not as bad as it's been, maybe this was because of the extra wet / warm winter we had last season ? or maybe the fireants disappearing .... played a part ?
  37. 1 point
    i was going to comment on the welcome thread that your meter looks like it might need some attention.... @AKATV is the man to see out, be sure to keep us updated on your repairs.
  38. 1 point
    I was tent camping once and heard a noise by my truck. Shined a flashlight on it and there were 3 racoons. One held the topper door open while the other 2 unlatched the lid to my food box. They ate my crackers. I hollered at them to get out of there until they left. The next night they took a bag of marshmallows out of the hands of a 4 year old at a site next to me. I wacked him with a piece of firewood. Night number 3 I got out my wrist rocket and some ball bearings. You should have heard the one howl that I hit in the forehead.
  39. 1 point
    well i debated on posting....but after being chewed out, and being demanded by her to clean her mess up....and being talked about in a bad way to my sisters AGAIN ... sigh (which burns me up) and there kids (which have nothing to do with her) i have now learned she got oxys ( i don't what those are) from Robert her husband his perscription and name on the bottle ... now she's into to transporting perscription opioids .... did i say this was bad ? (from years I've seen this happen) ? yeah i believe i did. her doctors (who ever they are now) have told her (from what she's told me) they will not prescribe any more pills of any type.... i could have her and robert nailed for this but being the man (thick skinned) ill keep dealing with this mess, she's on the verge of another pancreatic attack, and will not go to the ER because according to her the hospital is full up with covid patients ...... i will always help a person who wants help, but those who wish to travel the same path and drag me along ?? not a chance in !!!! fact is she just wants to be stoned out of her mind (or whats left of it) last night she hit the wall.... had it out with Robert.... and woke me up, and gave me a ring and neckless with a combine price of 12 thousand, and advised me he's not to get them back..... i have no need for them, or the money and do not want the trouble this will bring. a rock and hard place doesn't even come close to describing this mess.
  40. 1 point
    Is they have finally opened a wolf season here Do to the fact that they are taking over. They reintroduced them into into the National Park National Park. Like that was going to keep them there. Is. They have decimated our elk population, I have seen videos of them killing for sport, Leaving what they Is kill to rot, Or for scavengers. We can now buy tags I wish they would open it up like they did for coyotes here And allow them to be controlled by farmers and ranchers who are losing livestock. As far as eagles go we have them all over the place here. As far as eagles go we have them all over the place here, will see as many as 1/2 a dozen toa dozen sitting in an old dead tree together.
  41. 1 point
    with power being sketchy ?? i would think that might be a factor on cold storage perishable items like milk and meats... being held back ? so people snatched those items up quickly! that's how it was here during the big ice storm when power was knocked out for weeks.... a very frightening time, glad to hear things are getting better... we stocked up on dried beans rice canned maters, and got milk from the toombs brothers dairy, eggs from a local feller.... fresh garden produce was out because of the time of year.
  42. 1 point
    a big thanks to jeep for helping with a technical location issue..... so credit for this post goes to him..... i may post about this later on.
  43. 1 point
    My Great Uncle ( Grandmother's brother ) had a camp on the shoreline of Lake Ponchartrain in the 60s , the next camp over was a very big and nice camp owned by the Jesuit priest and brothers , I can remember so well my Grandfather and Uncle warning me to never go over there by that camp
  44. 1 point
    seen exactly the same in aftermath of a tornadoe.... houses standing side by side, one is left, while one is completely destroyed.... with nothing left but the foundation.
  45. 1 point
    just change the subject... just a tad.... and for what i believe is a valid reason... i would like to recommend this string be made a sticky... i have gained very valuable information ... from members in defrent areas, along with helpfull links / sites...and those members basically are the same as MTEARS ... right there with eyes on the weather, in there area..... we would not know exactly how things are if it wasn't for this fact, it also.... helps us keep in touch with members who might be in path of on coming weather situations what ever they might be.... from huricains to drought conditions severe weather, flooding, dangerous winter conditions, and forest fires..... etc etc. and a big thank you to melatv for starting this thread.
  46. 1 point
    estimated power outages https://poweroutage.us/area/state/louisiana credit for this information goes to @WonderMonkey they've been hit very hard... https://weather.com/news/news/2021-08-30-hurricane-ida-louisiana-new-orleans-levee-mississippi-news-breaking?cm_ven=hp-slot-1 very sad situation ^^^
  47. 1 point
    sheesh..... i keep forgetting to update my location on the members map...... last time i tried my map location was in Australia ..... lol!
  48. 1 point
    Thanks for the welcome guys! Want to brag on AKATV for repair of my speedometer. Super fast same-day turnaround, excellent customer service with questions, and prompt updates upon receipt, pics of repair, and shipping back out. Fantastic contribution to this forum!
  49. 1 point
    Lost a friend this morning who was a HUGE shooter in our community. He was 66, had knee surgery last week, and yesterday was doing some exercises on his knee and just sat down and died. They suspect he threw a clot. Anyhow, this guy owned the local muffler shop. Stayed busy all the time, as he was honest, which in auto repair is hard to find now. When I was younger he had all kinds of full auto stuff (all legal/registered) and he'd go out shooting every weekend. I remember pulling up on a bridge out on the levee that used to be a popular place to shoot, and he had a Browning 1919 on a tripod in the back of his truck. It was converted to 308, and by the end of the day the truck bed was knee deep in empty cases. Had an MP5K he let us shoot. An HK G3. Lots of cool stuff, especially for a teenager. When an inmate escaped from the local state pen, they called this guy out (he was deputized) as he had better thermal and night vision than the state police, and he helped catch the guy. He worked on my Jeep when I was younger, and I even went out with his daughter a couple of times. She told me to call her, and I said "I'm not calling you, your dad would kill me". Few days later he came up to me and said "My daughter said you wouldn't call her because of me. I like you and if you want to go out with her I'm perfectly ok with it" I know he sold a lot of his full auto stuff a while back (bought a lake house with the proceeds), but he still had a TON of shooting stuff. His kids are both libs and he was divorced, so I have to wonder what will happen will all of that. Full autos and suppressors have to be transferred if sold, and that's a very long, drawn out process. He probably had pallets of ammunition. He was THE guy in town to go to if you wanted to know anything shooting. I stopped by there a couple of weeks ago and talked to him for a bit, but he got busy in the shop, and told me to come back and talk to him soon. Went by Friday and he was closed, which I thought weird, but figured he might be sick or have just taken a day off. Apparently he had knee surgery. Yesterday he was at Subway at lunch barely limping, according to BASFNB's brother in law. Today he's gone. Which reminds me, at the ripe old age of 45 I need to set up a will. Never know when our time here is done.
  50. 1 point
    rural lifestyle here. We see our guns as a healthy part of normal life. Most households do a bit of hunting..mostly deer and turkey. I always wear a S&W revolver with snake shot when I'm out on the property to deal with copperheads. And on the occassional nights when neighbors have encountered burglars rummaging through the cars, or sheds, etc, we tend to call one another for "support" Through the many years I never felt like I needed anything more than a small 5-7round pistol, a shotgun for home defense and a decently accurate rifle for some hunting. Ammo meant that if you planned to do any plinking or hunting, you'd stop by the store and grab a box. The end. it was only because some politicians began telling me that I should not be allowed to have a gun, not allowed to have higher capacity, that I went shopping. Swear ta God, before they opened their mouths, it just wasn't an issue to me. They are the primary reason/cause for my current tool box configuration. I'm not trying to push this to a political post. I'm just saying that some leaders, be they a state governor, a senator, media, start spouting off, while allowing, even empowering terror on the streets from the likes of antifa, blm, etc. I find myself heading back to the store for the tools and supplies they make me believe I'll need to protect myself and family. and no, I'm not handing anything in. At my, age, I'll choose option B. I've trained under our local LEO, even advanced work under our SWAT Sgt. as a privilege of having 3 generations of LEO in both city and county service. But this familiarity has simply reminded me that I have no delusions that my one bitty cannon is any match for a professionally trained, equipped force - be it local, or federal. So, no, I'm not saying "come n take". I'm simply saying... I'm not going to comply. I have an AR15, simply because they don't want me to. I've done very little work with it cause I prefer the bigger cal. I have trained extensively with my AR10 platform and yes both platforms have about 30 mags in various capacity for them. I have civi versions of the military's new M17 and M18 platform sidearms with 21rd mags and optics, etc...plenty of training on them. But the reason I bought them was because of the higher capacity as a pushback to those that told me i should not be allowed to own them. but again, these guns otherwise live in the safes in hopes that that battle bags never need to actually be used. my normal life is a simple old 1989 colt mustang 380 just to help me stay safe from the one-off bad guy, not to go to war. I am a peace maker, a worship pastor on staff at my church, Faithful to the same woman for 44 years, Dad to 4, a Pappap to 9 grandkids and still hold down a full time day job. I'm the kind of guy that helps keep the machine going. They really should want to just leave me alone and let me keep pulling the wagon (Animal Farm reference). the fact that they don't tells me everything I need to know about their true intent for our nation...and that evil, I am pledged to resist.
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