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Posts posted by TBRider

  1. Took the rubi for a spin today, weather lately has been mild during the day and cold at night, with the added rain in the mornings the snow is hard enough to support the weight of the quad without sinking any. Not ideal for snowmobile,  but I can just about go anywhere on the quad. I'm not brave enough to try it out that much cause there is still about 2 feet of snow left.

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  2. 1 hour ago, jeepwm69 said:


    Sure, but moving towards instead of away from it was a step in the right direction.


    The oil markets are driven by speculators.  If we had a POTUS instead of a potatus, who would say today I'm approving the XL pipeline for immediate approval again, I bet oil prices would immediately drop, at least for a little while, even though the Canadian company who had the project before likely wouldn't pick it up again, and even if another company wanted to do so, it would be months before they started, and even longer before it was used.


    I have a lot of problems with the way DJT did quite a few things, but compared to what we have now............



    It's a world market for oil. There are only so many refineries. Once you take out two large oil suppliers, the remaining market bids for the oil, trying not to shortfall their own country.  Usually the price of oil is what a company will pay for a barrel of oil in a month, thought they based the price off future sales, that was when the supply was constant.

    The oil is still going south from Alberta to the states, on rail cars though.

    To boost or increase production in most cases isn't possible cause everything runs at 100%. It would still take months to build.


    This strike in Ukraine has been planned since 2014, putin helped get the orange guy into office,  and for the next 4 years, putin set himself up, got trump to lower the amount of troops in Europe, he boasted he was bringing them home, then made a deal with the taliban, who were being supplied by China and Russia,  and ended a war after he lost an election,  with no more Americans close by, trump pretty much left the back door open for his buddies.


    I saw his speech from CPAC where he was praising putin for going into Ukraine.


    When you sit back and look at the big picture it makes more sense.

  3. 4 hours ago, jeepwm69 said:


    Well that's a good point. 


    Our current "leadership" certainly isn't putting us in the right direction to be energy independent at any point in the future though......



    America has not been energy independent in a long time, it wasn't under trump.hasnt been since the late 90's

  4. The keystone xl pipeline would have gone into operation in 2025, wouldn't change a thing right now. Worked on a few river crossings for it in Alberta back in 2014. They are using that section in Alberta right now.

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