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Everything posted by shadetree

  1. when you changed out the gear position switch, did you line up the tang on the switch with the letter N on top of the switch housing ?. the tang has a long and short end on it when it sits on top of the switch, the longer end of the tang should be right on top of the letter N when aligned before you put the cover back on.
  2. here is what i bought --> https://www.batterymart.com/p-batteryminder-1510-12-volt-1_5-amp-charger.html . and they shipped it fast !!!.
  3. it was prob me that said my battery tender jr. stopped working correctly ?. mine had green light for all these months, years ?, but my battery seemed what looked like it was over charged in my jet ski ?, oem battery, sat for about a year and a half ?, it was cooked from what i could tell. thank god it did not run acid out all over my brand new ski !!. i got word to try out '' BATTERY MINDER '' ?, a little pricey ?, but this charger is not the same as battery tender jr., this brand not only charges the battery ?, but is also disulfates the batteries plates while plugged in, also has a 10 yr warranty !. just got it a week ago, have it plugged into my ski, time will tell how good it is ?.
  4. go with the foreman, stay away from any of the ranchers. a good manual shift foreman is great for work.
  5. yep..lol. i got it up to 65 mph at one time, thats pretty darn fast on water !..lol.
  6. good deal, keep us updated on what ever you discover ?!. any questions ?..ASK !!, we'll be more than happy to answer :-).
  7. the rear end uses 3 bearings in the differential, then 1 for the brake side. brake side uses 6007, don't recall the model number for the diff ?. i do not know the exact sizes of the bearings, i always just buy a rebuild kit for the diff and rear brake panel. if BOSS BEARINGS will deliver to you across the pond ?, they are who i use. it maybe easier for you to tear out all the old bearings from diff and brake panel, take them to this place that has them there you speak of ?, have them match them up, worth a shot. also, for future post ?, please post the year, make, model of your atv , this will make is easier for us to look up parts for your machine. your in great hands here !.
  8. yes, was having issues loading pics from my pc in a thread i made in general chat about my jet ski ride today. was getting that stupid page about asking if i am a robot, and pick all the trains ?!..lol.
  9. yep, common on these models. rebuild the rear end with a rebuild kit, DO NOT USE '' ALL BALLS '' BRAND NAME KIT !!.
  10. i told you !!!..buy a starter from D&B electrical, for what you will pay for a set of brushes ?, you can buy a brand new starter with a warranty from these folks.
  11. woooohoooo..spent all day on the lake today, put about 16 hours on my jet ski, whole 18 1/2 gallon fuel tank, i'm so sun burnt right now !...i think i got well done ?!..lol. here's a few pic's i took while sitting having a cold one ( yes..you can see it in the cup holder !..lol ), outstanding time today !!.
  12. dangit fish....you let your wife drive again...didn't ya ?!!..rofl.
  13. family in hot springs ?, thats not far from me !. if ya fail to get it right ?, bring it down, we'll fix it, head over to hot springs, we can take my jet ski for a ride !.
  14. feeling and listening to what and where the noise is..wont get you anywhere !. this is a case of ripping it all back apart ( no..you do not need to pull the motor..again...yet ?! ), going through each section at a time to see what damage is where ?, what part is bad, not right ?. you can listen all you want ?, but this does not always work !!.
  15. you deff got something wrong on this motor !!. i don't know what all it is ?, but what i do know is: IT'S NOT RIGHT !..LOL. i listened to the video, that has to be one of the worst engines i have ever heard lately that sounds like you dropped a bag of marbles down into !!!..lol. you still have my number ?, we need to go back over a few things for sure !..lol. these motors are very simple, IF YOU PUT THEM BACK TOGETHER CORRECTLY ?!!..LOL. its almost dummy proof to mess this engine up ?, but it can be done !. sooooo, with that said, me and you need to start from scratch, and see where you messed up ?. i can't be your eyes on here or the phone ?, but i can tell you how and what to look for, how it goes back together !. if you can't do it ?..then like i said..load that puppy up, all parts, drive down here, we'll have it apart, back together, and running like new when you head back home with it. THAT IS !..IF YOU DO NOT NEED ANY OTHER PARTS ?. but i do know i can fix it, your only cost is gas here and back, and maybe an 18 pack of cold brew ?, where else you gonna get that kinda price ??..lol.
  16. i hate to tell you this, but you need to tear it all back down, start over.
  17. but from the sounds of that motor ?, you got issues with the valves, rod, who knows ?, what i do know is ?..your motor is not right !.
  18. man...when your done pulling your hair out ?, load it up, drive down here, i'll fix it..lol.
  19. agreed with fish ^^^^, that motor sounds like crap ! ( thats a clean way of saying it ! ..lol ), ditch the fuel filter, dont need it. petcock in the right position ?. i hear all kinds of motor sounds that are wrong !..lol.
  20. and i'll bet most of us will have answers !...lol.
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