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Everything posted by 56Sierra

  1. See if this works. https://lawandcrime.com/crime/pa-neighbors-got-into-an-argument-about-shoveling-during-massive-snowfall-one-of-them-opened-fire/ Note to Mods. Please take this down if you think it's against forum
  2. 56Sierra


    That sure is purdy.
  3. This is what I have. I found three in the scrap pile at work needing minor repairs. I was worried sick someone would steal them..... https://www.acehardware.com/departments/lawn-and-garden/outdoor-power-equipment/gas-cans/7088073?store=07002&gclid=Cj0KCQiAvP6ABhCjARIsAH37rbShuO6Zd4UTaWcACkEQFdYouv9tPaCSFaEZ7GuJC3Wa96g-g1pJrDQaAtPOEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  4. At least he has the safety chains crossed🙄
  5. 56Sierra


    I guess at 17* F, calm winds and sunshine I have no right to belly ache, do I?
  6. 56Sierra


    Our weather guessers are saying multiple 1-3" nuisance snows coming for the next week. Temp never getting close to thawing means Echo backpack blower gets used. My long, steep limestone driveway heads northwest. The same direction the winter prevailing winds come from. Ever see those Antarctic explorers all covered in snow and frost? That's what I look like after blowing snow with the big Echo.🤨
  7. 56Sierra


    OK, point taken. I once brought a Mosquito back from Hawaii hidden inside a packed shoe. How he survived the smell I'll never know. I was hoping he would be the area alpha male and spread his warm weather only genes among the cold hearty residents and cause a massive die off of the little blood suckers.😳
  8. 56Sierra


    Stop. Just stop or I'll send a blast of cold air your way. I'll ship it next day air.😉
  9. 56Sierra


    Snow in Ohio May 9th 2020 then again on November 1st. Somehow we really got cheated with less than 6 months without snow. Add that to the list of why 2020 really sucked. picture taken the morning of May 9th 2020
  10. After moving snow piles to an out of the way area I used the rake to break up the surface before it freezes again.
  11. 56Sierra


    We got quite a few this summer due to the forestfire smoke blown 2,000 mile east.
  12. I stamped a HF trailer with them. Don't know how they would hold up to a very hard steel but for mild steel they do fine.
  13. 56Sierra


    Ammo and components are almost 10 times the price of what they were a year ago. Last time I bought .224 bullets they were 6 cents each for the Hornady V Max and 7 cents for the Nosler Ballistic Tips. I bought 1,500 of each. 8# of powder was $184 delivered and CCI 400 primers right at $35.00 OTD for 1,000. This was early February 2020.
  14. 56Sierra


    That's an old saying where the trade winds are prevalent. My winds are usually westerly and the directions are reversed from the old saying. Pretty picture.
  15. I wish. It doesn't steer worth a darn like that.🤨 My wife wasn't impressed that I required her assistance for a counterweight, either. You would have thought she was overweight or something. Hard on the tie rod ends too.
  16. It does wheelies in reverse 😳
  17. Ya think it's a bit overloaded?
  18. Harbor Freight sold me a set about 5 years ago.
  19. USS Alabama 1/720 scale. Took a day on and off to build this one.
  20. I'm looking at making my own inkjet decals but ran up against one snag. I can't print white. On the Corsair I would need to use white decal paper instead of clear and do some serious trimming. Too much work. There are some good aftermarket decals to buy and that would make much more sense.
  21. This is one of the new Revell kits sold at Hobby Lobby. 1/48 Corsair with folding wings and retractable landing gear. It was a rebox of a kit originally made in the 60's. The raised panel lines and details made decals a bit difficult but they did pull in for the most part. Testors acrylic dull coat used to seal the decals and the 50 cent a bottle Walmart craft paint.
  22. Harbor Fright alarms do have very limited distance. They will go 50 yds line of sight easy. Rural King alarms aren't frequency specific and do 50 yards through 9" thick logs and two interior walls. Trouble with the RK brand is if you have multiple transmitters set up you can't tell which one is seeing something. Also if you use these cheapies, cover them with something to keep the rain out. Inverted plastic coffee can with a section cut out of the side for a window works for mine.
  23. The problem I've been having with the older kits that have been stored for 20-25 years is the decals. Some seem just fine while others either fall apart or the adhesive loses it's ability to hold the decal on. Silvering, is what the latter problem is called. Here's an example of silvering on decals made in 1993. I learned to test one small decal to see if it falls apart and if it does I spray the rest with a clear coat of gloss acrylic. That extends the soaking time but allows them to be used. On the black A-26 I even used setting solution but still looks like crap. At least my Grandson doesn't care. He just loves all the models I build.
  24. I take a 40% off coupon with me. I used to print them out until I saw a customer flash their phone. Now I just download one and save it on the phone.
  25. 56Sierra


    I'm in somewhat of a radar black hole. Anything below 6,500' AGL isn't seen. Big badazz cumulonimbus clouds can't hide but often we have light rain with nary an echo on the radar.
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