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Everything posted by shadetree

  2. yeah..don't listen to the guy thats always seeing and fixing es models with problems...he has no idea what he's saying !?!..whatever...lol.
  3. D.I.D. cam chain, right side cover gasket, fresh oil, new oil filter, tube of yamabond, and a couple hours, you should have it done.
  4. heck..i can fix them...with a stick of c4 !!..lol.
  5. if all else fails ?. BUY A MANUAL SHIFT MODEL !..LOL. you are correct, if the tranny is bad ?, they start out around $ 1,800.00 bucks to replace.
  6. shadetree


    bottom fell out here, not worried about flooding, if it floods my house ?, then no one else will be alive !..lol.
  7. haha..yep..looks like the box got hit by the covid-19 huh ?..rofl. you are very welcome bro..glad i could help a member out !. please let me/us know if you have any problems with the bearing ? :-).
  8. shaky as all get out ?, but i could view it.
  9. well..i did clean it b4 i boxed it up...lol.
  10. you must be near FL ?, cuz ya know...they can't count down yunder !..rofl.
  11. that's because at the time, this covid-19 crap was in full swing back then !..lol.
  12. says the guy that has to replace super atv brake pads after every ride ?!..rofl.
  13. but your box was big and heavy..the cardboard from the box weighed more than what was in it that i sent ?!..lol.
  14. good deal !. i hope ya get them soon !..keep us updated.
  15. my paypal is linked to my bank account, and i've done bizz with paypal for many moons buying from ebay, never have had a problem. maybe paypal dont like you wilson ??..lol.
  16. i use paypal a lot, no problems with them at all.
  17. ummm...checking for mice in the attic ?.
  18. gives a whole new meaning to drive through car wash eh ?..lol.
  19. fish is right ^^^. i ride alone most times, but !!!. when i do ?, I ALWAYS TELL SOMEONE WHERE I AM GOING ?, AND WHEN TO EXPECT ME BACK ?. you just never know what will happen when out away from home !!. my luck always goes i go somewhere, AND NO CELL SERVICE !..LOL.
  20. been on ebay for yrs, not many times have i been taken for a ride ?, but i will tell you..i have had to resolve a couple issues. tip: if you get ripped off ?, file a complaint with paypal, if you do not get your money back from the seller ?, paypal will make it right with you, then they go after the seller.
  21. shadetree


    we're spec here !..lol.
  22. shadetree


    in case ya dont watch the weather channel ?, laura is gonna smack little rock, then head due east to TN !..LOL.
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