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Everything posted by _Wilson_™

  1. nice supply, what type burner do you have ? we like pics here, lol.
  2. oh man.. that's rough, this gives an idea of the dealership in columbia ... just a hand full of cars and pretty much stays like that.
  3. old school tough! sure is a nice rebuilt.
  4. yeah MAYBE ??? the same issue happened with this build, not sure what that little critter is standing in front of it...
  5. welcome. you say pulled this as a barn find ? besides the tank, and air filter carb issues, were there any signs of rodents chewing on the wire harness, etc ? are you the original owner ? if not i would try and find out as much history on it as i could. here's a link to the service manual page. https://atvhonda.com/topic/92-service-manual-downloads/
  6. i hope i can find a front veiw... two classic bikes ... nice setup.
  7. now that's a sharp bike! i like all the bling.
  8. well..... like tires people like what they like, i use GN4 myself, some use rotella which also is a great oil, we use it in every diesel, and gas engine we have .... i just favor GN4, I'm a diehard honda guy... maybe the OCD has something to do with why i choose to run GN4 lol! Shell rotella T4 (conventional) and T6 fj (synthetic) are JASO MA & MA2 rated, Amsoil, IMO is the best! .... i think shade uses gtx castrol, i used this in the 1st two bikes i owned 250a , and 86 trx350.... never had a single oil related issue. my thinking is the frequency of oil changes / treatment of the machine plays a big part as using a good wet clutch approved oil.
  9. I'm impressed with this biuld ... it sure has the speed / power
  10. _Wilson_™


    i might need hearing aids soon ......
  11. _Wilson_™


    i bet the neighbors aren't enjoying my system cranked up, lol
  12. _Wilson_™


    those are great songs, Scott! been a while sence I've heard them played on the local station.
  13. _Wilson_™


    uh hu.... and not enjoying it, i stored up long ago, been hoarding every sence ... i feel for those who aren't prepared for what MIGHT be coiming.
  14. even better ^^^ issue solved, or, elbow bump.. both will work, i think a few should be passed along in the thread... lol
  15. I'm not upset i don't kiss >anyone< with whiskers, lol how about a high five.
  16. Vw beetles ? hm.... like those little those bugs, had a friend who had one no telling how many times it caught on fire, he drove that bug for years, now he's an airplane mechanic, go figure.... lol, @basfnb <<<< yeah i guess this confirms it. but i don't think he's ever posted, is he the one that layed on your heated floor one time ? i can't recall all the details .. but i do remember that part.
  17. even with an exhaust issue ... i would think it would try and rev some... fuel issue would be my thinking (from the description) the backfiring ... has me thinking. but it just happens when you feather the throttle ?
  18. i seen your friends @basfnb had some comments ... lol.
  19. hey, he was just being honest .... you have to understand something..., here you get the honest truth, when you ask for advise, expect it, don't expect lies or ! footing around, he even told you how to dress it up with a lenght of sliced rubber hose, which is what i would do. they told you a drimmel can get away from from the user. ive used a cutting wheel, and those will also pinch / jump .... if you don't have away of pulling the cut material spread, and cut with a certain depth.
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