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Everything posted by _Wilson_™

  1. I see Kyle pulled his same ol dumb stunts ...... Maybe he's eating too many of those m and m's and had a sugar rush.... And to compair him to dale jr ?? Come on!!!! He's not even Close! good luck chocolate boy aka Easter bunny .... Little spoiled cry baby
  2. Fish... I might be able to find you a 4-way wedge .....that pic you posted is just what i needed ...
  3. Well how do you think i ended up winning $500. ..... ?? Duh..... Yes A BET ie race pot/pool.... i don't think so....^^^^ i happen to enjoy the races, and drivers as for the idiots i could care less.. BUT! ...If you want to talk REAL idiototic behavior .... Then your talking knee taking over payed morons of the NFL not to mention the sickening half time shows...
  4. Well.... I went (just about) all out for the race ....rib eye, a loaded salad, and loaded baked potatoe ....
  5. I get ya bro...lol... My biggest win was 500 bucks... That. Was a couple races i won in a row... After that... My. Friends descided i wasn't allowed in the pot anymore .... But It sure was nice to be handed that cold hard cash....
  6. We Need to start a race pot here...... @SlammedRanger thoughts ?? And line the forums pockets more ... Just an idea ....
  7. AGREED!! it bites!! I was all pumped for the race.... I'm showing the rest shows on fox 1, on direct tv ch 219 at 10 PM to 1 AM .... Anyone got any better information ??
  8. I don't think it's going to happen today.... .... What a let down....
  9. Here we go..... 2020 Daytona, Time to drop the hammer !!!!
  10. I'd like see a close up view of the cutters sharpened by a grinder ...... I'm still dead set on free hand filling .... I don't see how one could get the gullet/hook right with a rotary disk ... I'd be all in if it works good .... And i deal mostly with green hard woods ......... Never had to touch my chain for a couple days of sawing, where as most around my area do.. and ask me what i do to keep a sharp edge ... One thing is, saw high with your good chain, and low stump with your back up worn chain... There's alot of old trees with grown in fence/steeples..... My last load was a bodark..... That type is hard on a chain cutter
  11. Got a link or pics of it ? I never have .... But I'd like to see it...
  12. Thanks..... The 1st is just what i needed..... I might have something for you soon..... Let me do some digging..... And Just thinking here.... Do you ever use this one in vertical mode ? If you added an extention and a 90 degree elbow.... You could see in ether horizontal .... Or vertical mode ... Just an idea... Maybe even a 45 degree elbow.. Or..... Do those glycerin filled gauges need to stay up right ?
  13. Welcome to ATVH ...... Hope your health improves ;-)
  14. Well..... It's between the the laser file-rite l-144, and the granberg g-106b ..... No luck on finding the g-106a (old school).... Oregon, and stihl fg1 BOTH have too much plastic for my likes (along with very bad comments on plastic flexing) the stihl fg3.<<< very pricey! And will not work with square teeth, BIG thanks for turning me onto the laser file-rite, Mel. 1st the pics are the laser file-rite, next... Is the g106b .. Last two are the stihl fg3 ...the others aren't worth posting
  15. I've done a tad more research...... I haven't pulled the trigger yet..... One thing..... That stihl 2 n 1 file @retro turned me onto is golden! @Melatv is your model (granberg) the older g106a , or the updated g106b ? From what i gather,a deferent type knobs, and maybe a deferent type of metal/material ....
  16. Welcome to the forums!
  17. I believe those are modified cmp (cambridge metal and plastic)..... The best ones are these ... I have no clue who makes them...credit for these pics goes to @PatrickB
  18. Thank you, Mel. I've read these can be use for square teeth filing .... Along with filing down the depth gauges ..... (Believe there's a comment in that video) ..... This video was. Very impressive ... Maybe just a tad over kill with the mods, jeep, From what I've seen this jig.... Is no joke.... And i cut alot of fire wood... So I'm always looking for great performance, and that time saving edge.... Call me picky... Lol, and to be able to change the teeth cutting angles... Is a PLUS.
  19. I've been doing some digging..... About the grandberg file and joint ..... Any of you fellas delt with one ?? Jeep.... I'd Almost bet money your father has one some place. Not the best video ..... But it seems to show how very versatile this jig is.... And no need to clamp the bar in a bench / solid mounted vise. @01RUBY500 bet this thing would do a much better job then a grinder.... I know the price isn't bad at all!
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