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Everything posted by shadetree

  1. welcome to the forums.
  2. please post a full pic of your atv, i would like to see what it looks like, thank's !.
  3. nope..not # 31 fish...do not know what it is yet ?..but its deff not # 31 !.
  4. first question, did you pull the rear cover at all ?. if you did ?, then it sounds to me when you installed the rear cover, you did not line up the gear position switch correctly to the switch. by this, i mean the switch has a tang on the end of it, this tang has a long end on one side, this long end must sit over the letter N stamped on top of the switch, once this is set right, you now can install the rear cover back on, all while lining the tang back into the end of the shift drum slot.
  5. rear pinion oil seal or rear output shaft oil seal is bad. also check the large o-ring right there at the diff where it attaches to swing arm..4-bolts area.
  6. shadetree

    New member

    welcome to the forums.
  7. lol bro, that is what i love about you, and all the other great members we have..we watch out for each other !. thank you for being here bro !.
  8. just wanted to give an update on what i have been doing lately seeing how i've been MIA !..lol. first, got the 2016 trx420 rebuilt for the guy, he road it for about a week, calls me up this friday night, says it died , cranks,wont run ?, i tell him to bring it to me, STOP CRANKING ON IT !. got fire, got fuel, wont run ?, noticed it had a slight back fire from the throttle body, tells me its out of time. i pull the motor, pull the front to inspect the cam chain slack adjuster, was only worried about this part, because i installed a brand new cam chain. everything looked great up front. now to the back, pulled rear cover, got the flywheel off, flywheel had sheered the keyway !. swapped that out, all back together, started at 9:24 pm friday night, finished at 3:00am sat morning. have not heard back from him yet ?..must be good !..lol. yes..i did this work for free this go around...thats how i roll at times. I hope to start back in on this '05 trx500tm soon, it needs to get out of my hair, sooo..watch for updates soon !.
  9. and now ya know why i say power steering is worthless !, just one more part to go bad, no thanks !..lol.
  10. my .02's worth, how about this, if you got a problem with a member ?, then please bring it to a mod in pm, let the mods handle it. second: grow the heck up !, no..really..if your grown enough to handle life ?, then by all rights..keep it to yourself, DON'T ADD FUEL TO THE FIRE SO TO SPEAK !. in other words for all you kids that want to play with members emotions , knock it off !. third: the best response to a post ?..DON'T REPLY TO IT !., it takes a bigger man/woman to walk away/not say anything than i know of in my life. if words hurt your feelings ?..then again...you need to grow the heck up ?, or move on to another forum, WE ALL ARE FAMILY HERE !!!. if you can not act grown up here ?, then you are deff not on the right forums for your childish ways !. last but not least, EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO SPEAK THEIR MIND HERE ! ( as long as its clean words or course !..lol ) there is a ton of people that are trying to censor our right to freedom of speech out here, AND BY GOD IT WILL NOT HAPPEN ON THIS FORUM !! ( again.as long as its clean !..lol ). don't like it here ?..you are always welcome to find the exit door ---->. that's all i will say about it for now.
  11. shadetree


    they are now saying we will get to 1 or 0 tonight here in arkansas. pretty sure it will set a record here..brrrrr..lol.
  12. shadetree


    hate to break it to ya. but you better look up your local radar..you got some big stuff headed your way !..lol.
  13. with that year/model , my money says the end of the shift drum is about to , or has already snapped off ?. if this is the case ?, engine will need to be removed, split, shift drum replaced. easy way is your gear position switch is bad ?, or the connector at wire harness needs to be checked out.
  14. your trying to hard to think alot !..lol.
  15. omg...why the heck don't you folks just buy a dang dragster ?..sigh.
  16. i see this thread is old, so just gonna make it small and to the point. you say you rebuilt this motor, can you explain in full detail what all you did to the motor in the rebuild process ?. and the plug wire has nothing to do with it not cranking over, unless !!!, you are drawing down the battery some how from a shorted wire somewhere ?, other than this..no other reason to '' bug '' down the engine while cranking it over.
  17. yep, BBQ paint is rated to 1200F, i have had great luck with it holding up on my own toys.
  18. there are none for shocks, gonna say it once, and leave it at that, if you put those tires on that atv ?, you will ruin it, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !.
  19. going out on a limb here, so bare with me. first off, clutches sitting for that many years tells me the plates and weights in both clutches are very well known to '' stick ''. by this i mean, the oil that was in them form a bond, and does not let the friction plates to work like they should. also, very well could be the clutch was not adjusted the correct way back then ?. sooo..start with the clutch adjustment, if that fails ?, then its time to pull the clutch cover, yank the clutches ( you have to pull the centrifugal clutch in order to remove the change clutch ), wash all the plates and fiction disk very good, then soak them in fresh engine oil. this might be a good time to even just replace the friction disk seeing how old the atv is, and you already have the cover off. if it were me ( and i know its not ! ) i would replace the friction disk, replace the centrifugal clutch arms. if you go this route ?, make sure to soak all parts in fresh engine oil at least 30 min's BEFORE you install them. WORD FROM THE WISE ( ME )..LOL, THE CENTRIFUGAL CLUTCH NUT IS LEFT HAND THREADS !!..so it turns clockwise to remove !!!. the change clutch nut is reg right hand threads. DO NOT DISTURB THE ONE-WAY BEARING IN THE CENTRIFUGAL CLUTCH HOUSING WHEN YOU PULL THE WEIGHTS OUT !!!!. last but not least, you should order a clutch cover gasket to replace the old gasket..YOU WILL NOT GET IT OFF IN ON PIECE TO RE-USE !!. pull the oil filter pick up screen out when you do all this, this is the time to clean it !. pay close attention to the reverse lever as you pull the cover, and when you install the cover back on, the spring on the reverse lever LOVES TO POP DOWN, AND TAKE OUT THE GASKET UNDER IT !. do not use rtv sealant as a gasket on the clutch cover !.
  20. lol..youtube would never even let this video play, least not by youtube's standards.
  21. easy bro..not a threat, just pointing out it does not happen, point blank in the head , and still moving around min's later ?..sorry..not buying it...and yes..i watched the full video.
  22. let me pop you point blank in the head...lets see how long you move around..case closed..this is just another video to push gun control.
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