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Everything posted by shadetree

  1. if the fan control is bad ?, you will not get a consistent spark. no way to test it. service manual explains how to test the fuel cut-off relay.
  2. yep, you are correct..time for a complete tear down and over haul. BE WARNED !! : the crank is now discontinued !!. i am not sure if the rod can be still purchased ?, but i do know a new crank is not around now !. please source a rod before you go tearing into this engine !!. without a rod ? ( if yours is bad ? ), all this work will be for nothing. we are here to guide ya on any help you need...JUST ASK US !.
  3. fuel pump oem ?, fuel pump getting enough fuel ?, fuel cut-off relay working ?. air filter new ?. these carbs MUST have a restriction in order to get the correct amount of fuel to the intake. try removing the fuel line from carb/pump, attach a short line in its place, fill the carb up until line is full, crank it over, if it fires and runs this way ?, this is a fuel delivery issue, if it does not ?, then its an engine problem, maybe spark ?. I do know this...if the fan control unit is bad ?, it will not spark correctly !.
  4. the $ 64.000.00 question is..how long will/does the battery last before ya have to swap it out ?..lol.
  5. haha..we all know you can cook ?..but do you do dishes ???!!..rofl.
  6. @jeepwm69 we take of our own brother !.
  7. if ya want to drop if off ?, you better be doing an oem build ?..cuz i dont mix and match parts !..lol. parts are getting hard to find today !. i can make it run again..but i can't make it look pretty !..lol. you furnish the parts ( gaskets and such ), i'll build it..they will come !..lol.
  8. when ever you swing by to pick up that oil pump ?, just remind me about the carb, i'll toss it to ya no charge :-).
  9. lol..well..holler at me if and when ya need a carb ?, i'm sure i can hook ya up :-).
  10. looks good to me ?..rofl. you need a 350 carb ?.
  11. my money say's its the speed sensors. and they did not make a 2010 model, 2009, 2011 models in usa. we need the vin numbers please.
  12. no..he's prob talking about the 2wd/4wd electronic switch on throttle.
  13. welcome to the forums.
  14. take the money...AND RUN !. count your blessings that you are even getting a dime back ?..lol.
  15. welcome to the forums. looks like 450's too me ?..lol.
  16. something tells me...this is not gonna end well ?!..lol.
  17. pretty cool bikes..but i just gotta ask...why go through all this trouble to make a bike look and run like a motorcycle, when ya can just own a motorcycle ?, hmmmm...lol.
  18. need to see the rocker faces, i bet they are flat ?..lol, same with the cam lobes.
  19. here's my .02's worth, take it for what it's worth ?. replace the bad parts, run it, if it goes down hill from there ?, come back to us, we will tell you what all you need to rebuild that motor !. its not hard...and you will save lots of cash in the process !. you are in great hands here when it comes to rebuilding this engine !. oh, and don't feel bad about installing the filter backwards..you are not the first person ?, and wont be the last !..lol.
  20. welcome to the forums.
  21. start with checking to see if the oil filter was installed backwards ?, if it was ?, you may, or may not have engine damage ?, depends on how long you ran it this way ? ..IT DOES NOT TAKE BUT JUST A FEW MIN'S TO RUIN AN ENGINE IF NOT OIL IS FLOWING !!!.
  22. new or used, ebay or power sports nation for used. you '' can '' take them apart ?, but it will require cutting the end open, trust me..it wont be easy !.
  23. no you can not pull the mufflers apart.
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