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Everything posted by jeepwm69

  1. I bought a UNI for a 350D and I think I remember it having a spring inside instead of a cage. Did I imagine that?
  2. Still chipping away at my mess an hour or two at a time. Do these say anything about how long it's been since this place was cleaned out?
  3. Well I had enough room in my shop to move this little guy in. Went out early this morning, pulled the carb off (which you have to do to get the intake valve cap off), found the intake valve tappet had zero slack at TDC, so I adjusted it to .005,, put it back together only to discover that I didn't have any gas on hand. I did, however, get it to fire off on starter fluid, so apparently that intake valve had tightened down to the point of not allowing it to run. Great news! I also found the original Mikuni carb under the seat (looks like prior owner put an ebay carb on it). Will try to get some gas this afternoon and fill the tank up and will hopefully be able to get this one running without sinking a lot of $$$ into it.
  4. Lucas, Lord of Darkness. Dad had a Triumph TR3 in his younger days. Between that and the odd MG around town I quickly learned that the electrical systems from the 60's British cars weren't exactly the best. http://mez.co.uk/lucas.html Of course, my 80's vintage AMC Jeeps are just as bad. Have to run dedicated grounds everywhere because apparently AMC just decided to let the metal to metal contact between panels serve as grounds for all the electrical stuff.
  5. Those 2wd flares and undrilled fenders aren't exactly common. He might look for a set of plastics with flares already on them, and then sell what he has.
  6. If you really look at the pics, sometimes you can get stuff you want as part of one of those hardware piles. I got the secondary gears for a 420FM in one, which is an 15% GR for the 420AT. Those two gears would have run me about $60 from Honda. I also bought a set from a dismantled TRX125 that had the front fender support in it, which is no longer available new and usually bring $40-50 used on ebay. I tend to try to really look closely at the pics. You can get wheel center caps in them if you watch carefully too.
  7. Yeah I forgot you're in Canada. Everything is gold up there!
  8. Those Lucas electrical systems are awesome. Best smoke ever!
  9. I don't know squat about the sport machines, but supposedly the 520CC top ends will fit on the 420 ranchers and 12-up 500 Foremans if you grind the cylinder down to fit in the cases. After looking at what had to be done to get that one to fit, don't think that's something I want to do! LOL I'm going to follow this one. Post lots of pics while you put it back together please!
  10. Yall are getting way too complicated here. KISS Dana 300 transfer case, all gears, no chain. Lock out hubs on the front axle.
  11. I think I got $125 shipped for my 350 diff and driveshaft. The knuckles probably aren't worth the trouble unless you wanted to sell them on ebay as "for parts only". I gave away some 300 knuckles last week simply because I had no use for them, and if I sold them on ebay and the buyer decided to file a "not as described" I'd be on the hook for shipping both ways. No more than I would have likely gotten for them, not worth my time or effort.
  12. Let us know what you find. I've had several times where things pointed to a bad ECU, and every time it's been a loose or dirty connection somewhere. I had fits with the wife's 420AT and no spark. @Melatv walked me through some troubleshooting and mine ended up being a bad connection at the fuel injection relay. It would click, but wasn't making a good connection.
  13. I was joking Fish....because most of us completely ignore all the OSHA bs they float out.
  14. What is this "OSHA" that you speak of?
  15. Ah I gotcha. Didn't look closely and notice there's a receiver in the regular spot down below. Nice setup!
  16. Looks good. Hypothetically, you could run wiring to the back and be able to winch yourself backwards if need be, provided that bracket is mounted to a sturdy enough spot.
  17. This is what I did with the wife's 420AT. At that point I had sunk a ton of money into it, I know I won't ever sell it, and I've used the Fumoto valves with great success on several vehicles, AND the case would still hold a valve. https://www.hondaforeman.com/threads/oil-drain-plug-size.71918/post-3021473 The proper way to do it is the replace the case, and that's what I'd do were I doing it again now. As toodeep said, you don't have to split the crankcase on the 420AT to replace the area with the drain plug, so it's easier to do than it would be on a 420FM or ES. The skid plate hangs down enough to protect the fumoto, but I do have to remove the skid plate to get the valve open. I used loctite on the threads and lightly threaded it into the hole, and then let it dry before adding oil. Had to do the same thing on my old 93 Accord. Local shop stripped out the oil pan "Those threads just wear out over time.". They refused to fix it, so I used a Fumoto and loctite, let it sit overnight, and then drove the car another 150K before selling it. Never leaked a drop of oil and the Fumoto made oil changes so easy that I put them on all my cars.
  18. jeepwm69


    Yeah I had a few people stop by the house Saturday. One wanted to borrow my boat and trailer. Water was over the road going to his duck club, and his boat was in the boat road going into the woods out there. I asked if he wanted the trolling motor and he said he wouldn't need it, just had to paddle across the flooded spot, already had his Foreman on the far side where he could ride it into where his boat was parked (think lots of high ground with flooded areas so getting to the actual duck woods required crossing several low spots) Then he came back and asked for the trolling motor...and a battery. Left again. Then he came back and wanted an outboard. Dragged out my old 6HP Evinrude and it fired right up, sent him off with that. Little while later he said the diaphram on the fuel pump was leaking and asked if I had an extra. I said "You're about the borrowingest SOB I've ever seen" (buddy from back to the time we were toddlers, so I expect it from him, and have a lot of fun giving him ! about it) @BASFNB's brother came by to get an extra rear basket I had at about the same time. At that point one of them said "Would have been a perfect day to ride". Was sunny and mid 60's here that day (Saturday). High yesterday was 35. If you don't like the weather around here, you just stick around, because it will surely change in a matter of hours.
  19. Given the amount of beer we usually drink when riding, even the Hondas have too much power. Guy with some land close to us bought a big Renegade, moving up from a Rincon. He said he was down checking his hog traps, drinking beer, and got whisky throttle trying to get out of a hole and about ran over himself with it. Said it had too much power for him and he was sticking to his SxS from now on (also a Can Am)
  20. "Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime." Lavrentiy Beria Around here things are still pretty lax. If you're crusing down the highway you're asking for trouble, but on the secondary roads and gravel they'll usually just warn you. This whole area is nothing but farming so lots of ATV's and SXS's running around that are ag related, so the idea here is to throw a shovel on your ride and if you get pulled over, they can't ticket you because you're "working on the farm" I illegally drive about 50 yards down my street to hit the farm, but after that I am on privately owned land for miles and miles, so thus far riding on the highways hasn't been an issue for me. Back during the flood of 2011 I did have to take the highway for 1/4 mile or so to go around a flooded ditch, and a sheriff lit us up and followed us into the pasture. We told him we were just going from one farm gate to the other and he said "Yall can't have those on the highway" and left it at that.
  21. Welcome....even if you are riding those canned hams...LOL They seem to be taking over around here. The Honda dealership a little north of me has been selling Honda only since the late 70's, and they started carrying Can Am about 5-6 years ago, and IIRC they are now one of the biggest dealerships (by volume) in the country.
  22. There is some little Faultline around here that might give me issues (New Madrid) lol Still chipping away at the shop. Waiting on dad to move his crap out of the way so I can pull the first four wheeler into the shop and start wrenching on it. Have been organizing my tools in the tool boxes and hauling a lot of crap off. My workbench is now cleaned off so I went ahead and tore into that MS 180 this morning. The side case was melted from someone running it with the brake on so I ordered a replacement from Hutzl and started on it. That’s far hasn’t been as hard as I thought it would be. Baby woke up and was hungry so had to quit for the morning
  23. I followed a thread on AR15.com where a guy built a whole new saw out of Hutzl parts. It took some finish work ok the parts, but it worked. In this case, saw was free, I have a good saw that size (346XP) so this will be a beater/loaner. Besides, all I needed was the crankcase 1/2 and a clutch
  24. In the process of cleaning up my shop I rediscovered an MS180 a buddy gave me. He loaned it to someone and they ran it with the brake on and smoked the clutch and melted part of the crankcase. Have a replacement case and clutch from Hutzl. Need to get into it and see if I can get it going again
  25. Going to get this crap out of the way. Some of Dad’s crap that’s encroaching. One thing I gotta figure out where to put my gas jugs. I had them stacked around a table saw that I’ve gotten rid of. Guess I’ll have to get some shelves
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