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Everything posted by jeepwm69

  1. You know it. Same Konami guys must have set up the programming instructions for resetting these Hondas. Have to push 100 buttons in a certain order at exact timing to get it right.
  2. I didn't realize sales tax was that high up there Mel. Here it's about 10.5% and we have the highest sales tax in the nation (Arkansas and Tenn are about tied for highest in the nation, and Arkansas has a state income tax, where Tenn does not). For all the taxes they keep adding on, it sure seems like we aren't getting much. They just passed an additional gas tax here for road improvements a couple months ago, and on top of that they are now trying to get a 1/2 cent tax for road improvements, which was supposed to last 10 years and was passed in 2013....now they want to make it permanent.
  3. Soooo, how's your head Fish? LOL. Bet some booze was consumed around your place this weekend. I'm sure this will be frowned upon as blasphemy by real Cajuns, but I mix up some stuff when we ride in cold weather that uses Zatarains black bean and rice boxed stuff as a base. Cool that up, add sausage, chicken, garlic, onion, more rice, more beans, and sometimes okra. Stuff is good and really sticks to your ribs. That said, the Zatarains black bean and rice boxes have disappeared around here. Nobody's carrying it anymore, so I bought all I found last time I was in Memphis and when it's gone I guess I'll have to order it on Amazon.
  4. I remember when OU played LSU for the BCS in NOLA. All the OU fans were crying about how crazy the LSU fans were. I got a real kick out of it. OU fans were all crying about cars being turned over and getting beer poured on them after the game. Never liked OU after sitting through the 2002 Cotton Bowl. OU was ranked pretty high, Arkansas was 7-5 IIRC. All the OU fans around us were complete jerks, and even started a fight with one of my group. They're my "I root for whoever they're playing" team. The corndogs (I say that with affection Fish) go NUTS down there. Probably the craziest fan base in NCAA.
  5. LOL. Like trying to reinitialize an 05-14 Rubicon? Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Select, Start Was trying to get a buddy of mine walked through initializing his Rubicon. Took him about 20 times to get the timing right where it worked.
  6. That is lucky. We have it quite a few places around here but it's about 50 cents a gallon more!
  7. I had a pretty good bearing cross reference thread going at one time. Need to put that info up here. Common bearings are cheaper than buying OEM, but a lot of these bearings aren't real common, so it's cheaper to order from Honda that it is to order from a bearings shop. I got the bearings to rebuild one of these 424's real cheap on ebay, for quality bearings. Much cheaper than buying a rebuild kit (my cable etc were fine)
  8. So opposite the CDI (ish) Will try to look tomorrow. Think the parts bike I have is an 89
  9. What’s it look like, and any way to test one? I might have one on one of these carcasses
  10. Welcome! When you make a bunch of changes that nobody likes, and ignore the people posting, they leave. Glad you found us
  11. Lol. Guess you’re the only game in town if someone wants one fixed
  12. jeepwm69


    Had an 18 year old girl here killed last weekend. Was riding in a SXS at night with a boy and he hit something, threw her out and apparently broke her neck. Boy was airlifted. I was out at work with this gimpy back so didn’t get any more details, but reinforced my decision that my girls don’t ride without me.
  13. jeepwm69


    I managed to tweek my back again, so I haven’t left the house in two days. Picked up a 500 motor last week, carried it into the shop. No problem. Wed I try to pick the baby up, guess I was twisted just right when I did it. There goes the back again
  14. The warranty is good for one time free replacement. They did send me new ones on the one set I’ve sent back in. That said, I don’t care if they send me infinite sets, I’d rather pay more and not have to change them out all the time
  15. Looks like the acquisition happened in 2016..... http://www.pivotworks.com/LearningResources.aspx?ItemID=734&page=1
  16. Just got off the phone with Pivotworks. The guy there confirmed that for a couple of years now All Balls and Pivotworks have been the same bearings in different packaging. I have a set in the wife’s Rancher that have held up well (not a tremendous amount of use, probably put them in around 2013) and the set I put in my buddy’s Rincon lasted 5 years, but looks like it was as I feared; taking a reputable brand, sticking a lesser product in the packaging, and hoping to sell a bunch before the consumer catches on. The guy said “Well they have a free one time replacement” and my response to that was “Yeah but I don’t want to spend all my time swapping out bearings. My time is worth something too” I got these cheap so I will use them and then take advantage of the free replacement but the next time I have to buy bearings I will be going back to OEM Honda
  17. Over Black Friday weekend I noticed Amazon had pivot Works bearings for my Honda 500’s for around $22. I ordered a few sets and they came in yesterday. We have discussed the fact that the same conglomerate owns all balls and pivotworks, and it looks like they might be going down the road thay we hate to see when a big company buys a smaller company that makes a good product. The first set that came in were carded, And the package had been torn so it had been taped back up. Wasn’t impressed but they looked like I remembered pivot works bearings looking. The next couple of sets I opened Were in newer packaging and the bearings had seals on the sides. There was also a sticker on the individually wrapped bearings that just happens to be the all balls part number for the foreman Bearing. This part number was also etched on the inner race of the bearing. Then I got a set in newer packaging that did not have seals on the side of the bearings and had a part number sticker on them, same as the others, but had “PW” After it. I’m going to call them today and ask what’s up. I have not been impressed with all ball bearings, but Pivotworks works seemed to last longer than anything else I’ve tried other than OEM. My guess is they are going to simply re-package all ball bearings now and sell them as pivot works. All of the packaging that I got had the “lifetime warranty” at the top of the package, but I would rather pay more for bearings that last than have to be constantly swapping them out
  18. What’s the cut on gifts? For a while there was no VAT on gifts to the UK. Now they do it even on gifts if the value is over 50£
  19. And on the end of the orange wire you put a quick connect to hook to the tender?
  20. jeepwm69


    LOL. My brother in law is a huge Buckeye fan. Watched the game at his place last weekend. He doesn't even count the last loss to Mich because OSU had an interim coach. His wife said "I think it still counts as a loss" and he was "NOPE!"
  21. Shoot me some pics via email then! My username here @yahoo.com. I don't care if it's ugly if it works. I have about a dozen batteries in and right outside my shop that need tenders on them, so sounds like you have a solution, right down to the part about putting it in the rafters with drop downs.
  22. jeepwm69


    Welcome. Guessing you're a Michigan fan?
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