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Temp here probably dropped 10-15 degrees.  I was quite surprised at just how dark it got when the sun was totally blocked.   And the tiniest sliver of sun made a HUGE amount of light considering......It was a cool experience.

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14 hours ago, ATC4ever said:

Got real dark & cold all at once.


7 hours ago, jeepwm69 said:

Temp here probably dropped 10-15 degrees.


Not trying to start any controversy here, but the moon is a luminary and the sun is a luminary.... and the moon and sun independently produce two distinctly different forms (having differing radiant properties) of light. Neither of them are solid objects, they are both luminaries and neither of them illuminate the other. The sun produces a warm form of light, while the moon produces a cold form of light. Both the sun and the moon luminaries are the exact same size (diameter) as the other -- and both the sun and the moon are local to our closed system we call earth. Ain't neither of them spinning balls hurtling through space, they are part of our local earth system environment.


You can prove to yourself the two distinct light radiation properties generated by the sun and moon. Begin by measuring the air temperature in full sunlight, then measuring air temperature where the sunlight is shaded by a large object (a building, a tree etc.). You'll find that the temperature is warm but is always a bit cooler in the shade where less sunlight is available....


Then measure the air temperature during the night in full moonlight. Next measure the the air temp where the moonlight is shaded by an object (a building, a tree etc.). You'll find that the air temperature is comparatively colder, but is warmer inside the shaded area of moonlight than it is in full moonlight. That stark reality is because the sun and moon are two entirely differing luminaries functioning entirely independent of one another.


Being luminaries, neither the sun nor the moon are solid and neither can be "landed" upon by NASA or SpaceX or anyone else. Space is fake, there is no such thing to access.... space travel is faked and frauded for mind control and revenue robbery purposes. It's just an ordinary govcorp business venture that they began to roll out during 1958, the year after I was born. If you've ever read an encyclopedia published prior to 1958 you already possess this knowledge and much, much more.... Further, if you practice any of the "western" religions then you should already possess knowledge of your stationary local earth and it's closed system which includes the sun, moon, wandering stars (AKA "Plane-ts", haha), the not-wandering (circular motion) stars and the stationary star Polaris at the centermost of earth's system, which marks the location of our north pole.


You also understand that water always finds and maintains it's level and the oceans are perfectly flat. Water does not stick to a spinning ball (incidentally according to the perps -- within a pressurized gaseous atmosphere bordered by a pressure-less "vacuum" of "space") Try that experiment at home.....  :classic_laugh:



Genesis 1:16 (KJV)

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.


Two lights, not one....


The path of totality of the solar eclipse across the states proves much, much more than you have imagined.... I imagine. If you were paying any attention you know without a doubt that the helio-centric model is childish BS.

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I thought it was radiant heat. That's why it's cooler in the shade on a hot sunny day....lol



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I took a video with my A51 but for some reason there were 2 objects in the sky lol..tho i did see a star below to the right. There was a flame i could see with the naked eye for a bit on around 7 o'clock of the moon/sun during the eclipse looking with the naked eye.


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This is a buddy of mines pic. You can see part of the flame on the lower left (7 o'clock)


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5 hours ago, TBRider said:

I thought it was radiant heat. That's why it's cooler in the shade on a hot sunny day....lol




Yes, both the sun and moon are producing radiation within the spectrum of visible light. The radiation from the sun is warm so you escape to the shade for relief from the heat.... While the radiation from the moon is cold so you escape to the shade for relief from the cold. Obviously the moon produces it's own form of light radiation than the sun, which cools the air rather than heats the air. The moon is not a rock just as the sun is not a rock. If the moonlight you observe were indeed reflected radiation from the sun as your rulers would like you to believe, then you would feel and measure warmth from the sun reflected off the moon at night, not cold. In fact, air heated by the sun during the day would remain heated during the night if not for the opposing radiation energy from the moon cooling that air. Energy is required to increase temperature and energy is required to decrease temperature.... lacking an energy force, nothing changes.

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On 4/10/2024 at 1:38 PM, retro said:


Yes, both the sun and moon are producing radiation within the spectrum of visible light. The radiation from the sun is warm so you escape to the shade for relief from the heat.... While the radiation from the moon is cold so you escape to the shade for relief from the cold. Obviously the moon produces it's own form of light radiation than the sun, which cools the air rather than heats the air. The moon is not a rock just as the sun is not a rock. If the moonlight you observe were indeed reflected radiation from the sun as your rulers would like you to believe, then you would feel and measure warmth from the sun reflected off the moon at night, not cold. In fact, air heated by the sun during the day would remain heated during the night if not for the opposing radiation energy from the moon cooling that air. Energy is required to increase temperature and energy is required to decrease temperature.... lacking an energy force, nothing changes.

thats a bit deep for me to think about at the moment, although the light reflected by the moon is negative energy, i believe, hence cold., and that from the sun positive, hence warm. i still believe it to be radiant energy, the sun and not have dwelled on the moons energy,, but i expect it to be similar in a negative way. as far as the moon being a source of energy, i think not, just reflective.

as far as sleeping under a full moon, the term lunacy comes to mind. as far as falling asleep under the full sun, now thats just retarded.


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Posted (edited)

i forgot to write about the weather. 3W weather, wintery, windy, wet. 56 today and 46 tonight. had two inches of rain yesterday, and i wont know today because i turned my 5 gallon bucked upside down. i can say its muddy again, and a bit extra of that. 56 or 46 dont seem that bad but it just got warm weather wise. gonna hit 81, supposedly monday.

Edited by LedFTed

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On 4/10/2024 at 10:20 AM, ATC4ever said:

I took a video with my A51 but for some reason there were 2 objects in the sky lol..tho i did see a star below to the right. There was a flame i could see with the naked eye for a bit on around 7 o'clock of the moon/sun during the eclipse looking with the naked eye.


we had 97.2 eclipse or something similar here. i was hoping to see something similar to a corona flare, that didnt happen. way too many clouds, to see stars or UFO's, as if.

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58 tonight, i get cold just thinking about it, lower 60s at night most the week, mostly mid 80s all week, i hope winter warms up.

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Welp, after a brief cool spell the weather got kinda to summer again near 90s during the day mid 60s at night. got a touch of rain, mostly sprinkles so far today. i'm looking forward to indian summer. lol

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We got about 6" last week from that tropical storm.  @Fishfiles said they had quite a bit of flooding, but he made it through ok.


That said, we must have gotten some of those Louisiana skeeters blown in on that hurricane because all of the sudden we have skeeters worse here than i can ever remember.  Those giant black ones that come out in the middle of the day too!

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More of a show then blow…. The long extended lite rain was a welcomed site.. wind hasn’t been much to speak of eastern part of the state is getting some but statewide Tdot cameras confirm its not been near as bad as predicted … and one broken a record here …. The Lowest barometric reading i think i have seen i about 5 years ….28.90 InHg …. Its been said that low barometric  pressure can help people with arthritis and other health issues… so thats a plus too with the much needed rain    


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6 days of rain  in a row. 1st two days was spotty. today and tomorrow are supposed to be heavy, but it is slow at the moment. talk of flooding, and it has happened before. 1 time the road was blocked not far from the house my mom had, and at the other end of the road. i was here too. we were stranded for 3 or 4 days. need a small bridge at the other end, so a person could get out. that will never happen in a county that spreads rocks on the road, instead of fixing it. course, with all those leaving louisville, and such, moving out this way, it could happen. we already have more laws on the books, many, the reason they left in the 1st. place. i remember the town having a population of less then 800. maybe 739. its 1,328, and the county has grown exponentially even more.

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Western NC was destroyed by Hurricane Helene. Towns are gone. It is real bad.

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If you see any trucks with Tri Wire on it, they are from 5 mins down the road from here. Theyve all gone down there somewhere to help.

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it down got to a warm 47 at about 6;30 pm from 57. My but,, it was warm!! there may and probable be a frost tonight, and for once leaves that are still left on the trees, may change color. that i have not seen in this area, perhaps over 15 years as the winds and the heat dry out the leaves in the fall before the 1st frost. been in the higher 50s for a few days, getting to the higher 40s. i for one am not looking forward to winter, yet here it is coming. will it be cold, a coin toss for sure. i think it will be colder then last winter which was cold yet kinda mild.

Edited by LedFTed
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Got down to 39 here last night.   I was out in the shop early this morning and had to bundle up.   Nothing like scraping 20+ year old gaskets with a razor blade in the cold!

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2 hours ago, jeepwm69 said:

Got down to 39 here last night.   I was out in the shop early this morning and had to bundle up.   Nothing like scraping 20+ year old gaskets with a razor blade in the cold!

haha..i was scraping gaskets off this 450fm last night, in my insulated shop..rofl. but yeah...it got downright chilly yesterday and last night.

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