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Everything posted by shadetree

  1. not sure how many times i've told you ?, but a bench grinder with a wire wheel is what i use along with a razor blade, my trusty old pocket knife is how i get the old gasket off the parts.
  2. yes, you should have all forward gears, starting in gear has nothing to do with it starting in gear right now, this starting in gear as it is right now is something stupid folks do to start it in gear. honda makes them with a neutral switch for safety reason..THEY DO NOT WANT YOU..OR A CHILD ?!..TO START THEM IN GEAR !..this keeps some kid from getting on it, cranking it up, throttle stuck wide open, and they take off !..lol. NO the neutral switch has nothing to do with why it will not go into reverse !. button on left front brake lever, you have to press it down, pull the brake lever in, then down shift the foot lever with your foot, this puts the atv into reverse. IF !!..the transmission is working right ?!. yes there is a cable adjustment for the reverse cable on left front brake lever, but if you are not pressing the red button, then pulling lever ?,it will not let you shift to reverse.
  3. you are welcome to join the chat room ( top of home page )..we can run it by you in there if ya get stumped ?.
  4. as long as its grounded like it is ?..yes the neutral light will always stay lit. yes..the switch is inside the rear engine cover that is over the flywheel, stator.
  5. this is what you get for working on those stupid 500's !..lol.
  6. they ground it to start it, as the neutral switch is bad, instead of replacing the switch ?, they took the stupid cheap way out, and grounded the wire to bypass the switch. as for no forward gears ?, this can be a few things, bad transmission ?, bad shift drum ?, clutch not right ?, hard to say. you may have to pull the motor, and split it to see if anything is bad inside the cases ?.
  7. just guessing here, but would the oil temp sensor cause this on this atv ?.
  8. hey fallguy666 !, yep..still around here...the rent is high here, so i tend to keep to rls instead..lol. good to see ya back !.
  9. is this where i get to say '' i told you so '' !..lol.
  10. lol..i see old age is catching up to you ?, or the beers are ?..lol.
  11. if you need any parts for it ?, holler at me, i bet i know where some are ?!..lol.
  12. if the float needle is bad ?, it will fill the bowl up, up to the brass tube inside, when this takes place, the fuel will drip/run out of the nipple on the bottom of the float bowl. that nipple serves two purposes, it lets you drain the float bowl, and it tells you when the float needle is not seating ?. its going to be one of these reasons you are getting fuel out the bottom of the float bowl.
  13. kfi is the best winch mount. does not matter if winch is angled ?, as long as you have the roller fairlead ?, you will be fine. you can not go wrong with a kfi winch mount !. DO NOT USE A REG FAIRLEAD !!..USE ONLY A ROLLER FAIRLEAD !.
  14. i have not worked on many trx500's, least not newer models. does this have a thermostat?, i could be wrong here, but they used to have thermostat sensors on these that had wires on them ?, going out on a limb here, chances are, if the temp sensor is bad ?, this being a newer model, i'd wager these shut down when they get hot in order to keep from damaging the motor ?. look up the wire schematics , see if the temp sensor is tied to ecu/c.d.i. ?.
  15. moth to flame eh ?...rofl. uhhh..yeah..the issue is the aftermarket head gaskets...the holes are larger, which in turn, allow the push rods to lean more.
  16. sounds like you are related to wilson ??..lol,
  17. shadetree

    2001 rubicon es

    i could be mistaken ? ( happens alot when you get to be my age now ..lol ) but !..i think i have a brand spankin new meter that was bought for this av model somewhere out in my shop ?, i'll have to see if i can locate it, if i can find it ?, i'll let you have it for just under cost from honda, and you pay shipping, if your interested ?, let me know !. p.s. yes, i know these meters are discontinued today !.
  18. lol, i've heard of '' strange '' noises from folks with cars/truck in the past. never a beer can though ?..lol. one story comes to mind, someone has an odd noise in their truck, many trips to a repair shop, many parts replaced, then one day at the repair shop, the mechanic took the door panel apart, only to find a wrench hanging with a note on it, read: '' i was wondering how long it would take you to find this '' ??..lol.
  19. woulda been cheaper if ya just lost some weight ?!..lol..looks good though !.
  20. brake noise is drum or brake shoes out of round.
  21. are you riding on pavement ?, this will ruin atv tires very fast. most atvs have either a toe in..or toe out ?, i run my tires straight on the front.
  22. most carb heaters operate from a temp sensor that is located somewhere at the front, under the front fender, its inside a clear plastic bag looking thing. there is no way to set it, its all automatic when you turn the key on. if ya ask me ?, they are worthless in my book. i have never understood what or why honda put these on atvs ?..they are nothing but junk. most newer atvs from honda are fuel injected, they do not need a carb heater. on older atv carbs, the choke worked just fine.
  23. lol...trust me..you are not the first..and deff wont be the last to do stupid things ?..most of us has been there...done that !..lol.
  24. next time you lose power to ignition switch, try probing under the fuse box, wire leading to fuse, i have heard of bad fuse boxes from the factory being defective from the factory. keep in mind, most ignition fuses get their power straight from the battery. also, check your battery to ground connection..make sure its clean and tight ?.
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