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Everything posted by jeepwm69

  1. I'm working on it! Got my parts washer put together, desk moved out, toolboxes moved in, and shelves set up in the back.
  2. Your organization and cleanliness makes me nauseous.
  3. My 06 last spring. Right front wheel caught a tree root, climbed it enough to flip me over. 2nd pic is BASFNB's Rubicon. Those are 26" Outlaws on there. When people do the whole "I can turn 29.5's fine with no GR" this pic is how you know they're full of crap. His Rubicon wouldn't spin these 26's fast enough to clean them out in first gear. Might be able to turn big tires with no GR on pavement, but you won't where we ride.
  4. Trade for an 85 Grand Am with a blown head gasket?
  5. I tried watching "Bluff City Law" since I'm close to Memphis. After two episodes I found that it simply threw every whiny social justice warrior millennial victimization out there and then said causes "won" in the courtroom. I don't watch much TV. Prefer to read. If I do watch TV it's usually on AHC (used to be the military channel). Unfortunately, it's like the History Channel became AHC (old WW2 footage, documentaries, etc) when History started playing crap like Ice Road Truckers, and now the AHC channel is playing crap that has nothing to do with the military, so looks like it's going to the dogs now too.
  6. I was looking at that temp cooling gizmo thread last week. Local kid asked when the fan should cut on on his 350 Rancher. He was at 350Deg with no fan. I told him it should probably cut on about 230 and shut off at 215. That's what I gathered from reading that thread.
  7. jeepwm69


    Triple tap. LOL
  8. jeepwm69


    Definitely Walnut. I've seen really plain walnut that looked no better than birch, and then there's really, really beautiful walnut. Back in the old days even the cheapest guns had walnut stocks. Not fancy walnut, but walnut nonetheless. I picked up this set for a Marlin 39A. Really, really nice looking wood. That's the first pic, with stock and forend together. Then another guy ordered from the same place (he asked where I got mine, I told him, and he placed an order). 2nd, 3rd, 4th pics is what he got.
  9. The early 01 Rubicons had an iffy oil pump that @harig over on the Hondaforeman forum described "I do know that the early Ruby's had a problem with the oil pump bypass valve. Most of the time the relief would stick open and cause low oil pressure that would cook the hondamatic. i do not know what year you are working on but 01 to 04 had problems with the bypass on oil pump. new newer one are redesigned." So, it's not the actual transmission, but the oil pump that was redesigned. I haven't torn into one, although I have picked up an 05 Rubicon now. Apparently replacing the oil pump requires splitting cases. Harig actually rebuilds the Hondamatics, so I think he understands them better than most.
  10. jeepwm69


    I wouldn't say that ALL of them are bad, just a much better chance that you'll get a bad one. https://www.marlinowners.com/forum/marlin-rant-forum/ Remington is definitely worse post-Dupont days. They still go bang, most of the time, but the materials, fit, and finish have gone way down. Same with the Remlins. I've seen some that looked ok with a cursory glance, but I've also seen a lot that should never have left the factory, and wouldn't have before the Cerberus acquisitions.
  11. Now get you a voltmeter and check your battery terminals with it running. Make sure your voltage isn't way high from a bad regulator! That will fry a CDI pretty quick.
  12. See if you can find Three Bond 1184. It's the grey Three Bond equivalent of Hondabond.
  13. I thought the Superatv pads were the same as some Arctic Cat? I have a SuperATV disc conversion the wife gave me. Was going to put it on a 300, but decided to use 07-13 420 Discs instead, so will try to use the SuperATV kit on one of these 350 Foremans I have piled up.
  14. Yep. Won't really work any better than what you have now from a functional standpoint, but if the aftermarket kits are ever discontinued parts won't be available. You just need newer model knuckles, hubs and rotors, and calipers. I've swapped 420 Rancher brakes onto a 350 Rancher, and 500 Foreman brakes onto a 450 Foreman. Your 01 Rubicon uses the same ball joints top and bottom as the newer disc brake equipped models so you could swap discs in from that 05-14 Rubicon/05-11 Foreman/ 06-up Rincon at the ball joints, and if you plan to keep the machine long term replacement components will be available from Honda (and currently can be easily found in the used market)
  15. 05-14 Rubicon, 05-11 Foreman, and 06-up Rincon brakes will swap over at the ball joints. Allows you to keep your stock aluminum wheels. Most people don't have trouble running the factory aluminum wheels even with a SuperATV or HL conversion. Your spacer idea definitely works though, just might sling mud all over you from the front wheels, or make it hard to get through tight spaces in the woods.
  16. I did some nosing around and looks like it's common on these little bikes for the intake valve to tighten up over time to the point where they won't start. So first thing I'm going to do is try adjusting the valves. Got to finish getting my shop cleaned up before I do any wrenching. Going to get it cleaned up where I can work on stuff indoors!
  17. Did you use 05-up 500 factory discs or do an aftermarket disc conversion?
  18. Nailed it. Probably a good thing he hasn't let me use a lot of this stuff over the years, because when I was younger I didn't appreciate good tools and wouldn't have taken care of it. But yeah, he had that 2100 that's never been used, and a 372XP that had never been used. After I cut this tree up as much as I could using his old Homelite XL with a 16" bar, he FINALLY got the 372 out of the box and let me use it to finish up the tree. That was only after I got to the point where the trunk was too thick for me to match cuts down either side with the 16" bar. My girls are 16 and 14 now, so this was probably 6-8 years ago.
  19. Dad bought some land back in the early 80's and had it select cut. All the loggers were using Husky 2100's, and after quizzing them and doing some research, he bought one. Still in the box, never been used.😂
  20. Welcome to the board
  21. Probably going to be a @toodeepor @Melatv problem sounds like you’ve already hit on what I would have suggested
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