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Everything posted by 87Iroc

  1. Guy has like 4 of them but this is only one with matching finish mower for it. Think the plain atv is going for like 2800 or something. First time I saw this one for sale it was over 5k. Dropped price now. Very neat.
  2. Yah, its coming and going from how good it is. Hoping for the best when we go to move them upstairs!
  3. Thanks guys. Have 2 large toolboxes to move up a full flight of stairs. Looking for ideas. Hoping to get the weight way down by removing drawers and the wood tops. Should be able to kind of flip it over and slide it...but those straps might be good. Funny you mention a crane. My brother is in GA for a month with his service truck. It has a large crane on it. He'll be coming back through here in November. Thought about having him lift them through the window!
  4. YOu have any tricks for moving that down stairs Sled? I have to move a similarly heavy object UP stairs this weekend.
  5. Ordered a new front skid plate from RMATV today and prayed it goes out Fedex! lol I'd like to have it tomorrow or Saturday and not next Tuesday! Although I shouldn't have a hurricane go between me and Lexington in the next few days.
  6. Yep. For a newby...it would have screwed me up. I took a pic when I was putting the last filter in so I could reference back lol...
  7. That's a replacement for the filter cover o-ring. I change them on my cars about every other oil change for no reason other than it comes with the filter. If you haven't touched it in a while you could change it but honestly an o-ring, if designed right, should be re-usable. As long as its not cut or sagging...shoudl be OK. Oh, after reading Jeep's response and reading yours again. They should all have that seal and be careful how you install it! The aftermarket ones aren't marked how it goes together whereas Honda's are stamped which side is which.
  8. Autozone had filters when I was doing rapid fire oil changes in my 450 during the troubleshooting phase. Was shocked it wasn't a dealer only item. That said, running Honda filters right now but run Wix or Napa brand in my cars and believe they have really good quality filters.
  9. 87Iroc


    Yep, its what I do as well. Have hundreds of trees. No time to rake/blow them. I just blow them off of our gutter 'helmets'. Mulching is more fun!
  10. 87Iroc


    Nice fall weather here. Beautiful weekend. Daughter and I took a drive through Brown County here(hilly area that lots of tourists come to to look at leaves in the fall and shop at a little artsy and crafty community west of us). Supposed to turn cold this weekend. Low down to the low 30s. Frost time and time to start blowing leaves/mulching leaves/cleaning gutters/tilling garden under/get ready for winter. Might cut down a couple more trees and split it before I give up on those projects for the year. got enough wood to get me through to Feb probably...what I am putting up now this year should be seasoned by then.
  11. My bearing that go lost from Partzilla(I think) went out 'smart post'. Got delivered to a place 20 miles away and was lost. Got it about 2 weeks later after I had replaced it with a local sourced one. Only item I saw ship that way during my build this summer.
  12. Meh...Elm. Oak splits easy.
  13. Bit more splitting today. 450 is earning its keep. Much nicer to use than zero turn
  14. Sorry for the trouble Jeep. I would recommend a game camera if nothing else. Cheap and programmable. Get up and running in 10 min
  15. You've had some great advice here. Looks like the chain took out that one at some point. CDI box is the 'brains' of the spark and the timing on Hondas. They are specific to the bike(the other guys may know what swaps to the 300ex, I don't)...but w/o that box you won't get spark. The one for my Foreman is 110 or so I think from Rocky Mountain ATV. Yours appears to be 116. Careful buying one off ebay as they may sell you one that is bad saying its good. Be careful. Looks like yours is semi-specific. Here is the honda p/n and what it was used on.(I guessed an 03...no idea what year yours is but looks like it may have been the same for many years)
  16. To go with what bcs said....those Chinese CDI boxes are wired wrong and just blow fuses. Powersportsnation might have a CDI for your bike that you could 'try'....but there's really no way to test them. Its super easy to post pics here...post up some pics and go introduce yourself in the New Member section when you get a chance.
  17. Didn't pay that much attention...but saw 2 Polaris's being towed. 80% of the machines there were Polaris's though so not a surprise.
  18. Started moving wood in to lean to. We don’t heat with wood but this is likely half of what we’ll burn this year as supplemental heat. Have another covered pile down by garage that needs moved another day. Daughter wasn’t happy I made her work on her vacation. Teenagers. Pffff
  19. Welcome to the forum! Swing by chat sometime...saw you pop in. We just hang out and chat and catch up.
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